Have you ever felt there was something missing from your life? Like a key piece to your life’s puzzle was lost somewhere out in space and you are not even certain what is missing, much less, know how to find it. I know I have felt “incomplete and off course” many times and have finally found some wonderful techniques that I have incorporated into my daily and nightly routine to “get Clear” and fulfill my destiny.
1. Daily Commitment broken down to a moment by moment decision. The first item before any of the rest of this process can work is the most important item. That item is decision. In order to move forward with anything, you must first make the decision to do so. Making a decision to create a new life is the first step to achieving it.
Any time you want something drastically different than what you are currently producing, it is imperative you change the way you think and do certain things.
2. Think and Live positive by… Removing all forms of daily negativity, after I started monitoring my thoughts, I became so aware of being in the now that I began to feel better about everything. My life started to make sense and my happiness level increased. Decreasing the amount of television or eliminating the activity all together is highly recommended.
3. Clear the Noise in your head by letting go of harmful thoughts and yes, worry is a harmful thought! Monitor your every thought!!! One way to monitor your thoughts is to ask yourself, how am I feeling right now? If it makes you feel bad, get rid of it. When you use your feelings as a way to monitor your thoughts, you will be able to start eliminating the non productive thoughts that hold you back and keep you from moving forward towards the results you intend.
4. Surround yourself with positive motivated people. Have you ever heard birds of a feather flock together? Well, that goes for people too. You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. Surrounding yourself with successful people is a great way to create a new way of being that is sure to attract success. Networking meetings are great for this and serve as a great tool for establishing conversation with successful people.
5. Read or listen to Audio books daily. With the advanced technology we have today, it is easier than ever to have the teachings of some of the greatest minds in history right in your pocket. With mp3 players available with abundance of storage, there is always a way to hear the powerful life changing messages everyday throughout the day. It’s like food for the soul in your purse or pocket… You will find it enhances your mood, keeps your path clear and lightens the path to move forward.
Creating these abundant habits are the key ingredients to a fulfilling successful life and career. When I started to implement them, I had immediate results.
The key is to make these techniques second nature. The secret to making them second nature is to have a burning desire so strong that it becomes a healthy obsession and with a healthy obsession, you will do whatever it takes to fulfill your dreams. I use these techniques and many others on a daily basis and have found I have the ability to tap into an unlimited source of power any time of the day or night. And with this power, I can move mountains and so can you!!!
Having her CAKE and eating it too, Texas native Sherry Wilsher was inspired by Napoleon Hill’s classic book, Think and Grow Rich, to set out on an entrepreneurial path of personal growth and development, and now she wants to light the way for others. She has become one of the country’s leaders in the field of assisting to achieve individual happiness by sharing her experiences. After spending a decade in the field of cosmetic dentistry, she launched a successful real estate career, co-founded a publishing enterprise, patented her own invention, and frequently mentors other women to achieve their life's goals.
A successful innovator filled with ideas and insights, and now author, Sherry is a multi-faceted businesswoman. She is a thoroughly life-tested veteran of the love wars, and a graduate of the School of Hard Knocks. She is open and willing to share both the pain and joys of her life; a Texan to the core, she retains an Old World sensibility that keeps her grounded and yet highly receptive to the messages and gifts the Universe holds.
CAKE is Wilsher’s third publishing venture; she has written Invent with Intent soon to be published and is a featured contributing author in Babes in Business Suits currently available worldwide on Amazon.com.
Sherry’s knowledge of “baking up the sweet life” derives largely from endless hours spent in the pursuit of answers to questions like “What is true happiness, anyway?” She has found many of the answers and wants to share what she has learned with her readers. She believes that through determination, perseverance, and an attitude that embraces the Law of Attraction, anything is possible at any stage of life. Meditation, Gratitude, and Visualization are tools she uses daily to achieve goals, maintain bliss, and savor the sweet life.
Sherry currently lives in Houston, Texas and has already begun working on her next book as well as a comprehensive collection of unique merchandise designed to complement the CAKE lifestyle.
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