What do you think when you see a stranger look at you, for only a moment, yet smile at you with a type of grace and almost gratitude? Does it bother you ? Do you turn around to make sure they are actually smiling at you or assume they have seen someone they know behind you? Or do you simply smile back with the same emotion they have given to you?

My inspiration for this article was while recently listening to one of my top ten favorite songs of all time, “Smile”, by Nat King Cole. I grew up listening to this powerful song, as I used to play it over and over and over again. It would set my mind at ease no matter how confined and awful my day was to give my mind the ability to smile or even laugh off the day. It is so important to me to offer anyone a smile whether they need it or not. There is something about a smile that can uplift someone at there worst. You never know, a person could have been waiting all day for that “special” face to give up a tiny piece of their heart to them, even if only for one second, because that one second could have changed the entire frame of their day or week or even month.

When I lived in Indianapolis, Indiana, I recall smiling to be something of second nature. I was young, maybe even a little naive, but I gave every individual the same kindness that I always appreciate in return. I remember walking through the mall one afternoon, when I was about 12 years old, when I first smiled at complete stranger without getting the same consideration back. I was so upset, I nearly cried and asked myself if I had done something wrong or offended them somehow. I later realized later that evening at home, not everyone can smile, nor cares trying to do so to someone they know, let alone another they don‘t. It hit me that one can not always be happy or glad to receive a gift as priceless and dignified as a smile.

When one is able to learn a smile is worth more than even one thousand words, than only then can that individual release their love and heart upon another. It is such a feeling I have come to realize as privileged to value my entire life and am honestly grateful for, so why are so many others not? Throughout several phases of my life, I actually turned “smiling” into an experimental process of my own to figure out a ratio of about a hundred people. I sought out one hundred, unaware, human beings to see their reactions from receiving the gift of a smile from your truly. I found that only 48% smiled back at me. That is right, only 48% shared a moment of bliss with me and to show me consideration and kindness. A smile seems to no longer be enough for the desires one may seek; therefore, maybe never being able to comprehend it is their lack of offering a pleasing smile that prevents one from obtaining the peaceful life they seek. Maybe it is preventing them from the human happiness that is provided for those who welcome it.

If you have heard the “Smile” song, Nat King Cole came up with the most original, wonderfully put lyrics, all so carefully mended together with one another causing one‘s soul to quiver. He speaks of when a heart breaks, one must smile. That alone is enough to grasp my attention. Think of this in terms of when you were at the hardest time of your life or maybe even going through it now and how grueling it was or is to get through. It would have been hard to smile at the worst of times through whatever experience you were having at that time, but eventually, there was a smile put back upon your face. The face never loss the sense of how to create the smile, yet is was something that may have felt out of reach for that period. What do you think would have happened if you have smiled throughout the entire healing process, meaning to embrace the healing as a positive versus a negative? Do you think you would have been able to overcome the issue at hand more effectively or even more quickly? Maybe or maybe not, but what if it was possible to meet a level of serenity from a heartbreaking experience from a mere smile, rather than experience the pain or trauma from it?

Ponder this the next time you have to go through a moment of weakness, emotional pain or turmoil and rather than having your mute button on upon your face, change the channel to a smile and embrace the feelings you are having. Something such as a delicate smile can give the attitude the grace it needs to get through even the most destructive of times. Remember how much your smile can help you or another you may not even know. A smile is the greatest gift one can ever give, so give it often.

Author's Bio: 

Mandy has always been able to look at each issue within life as if the cup were half full. She has learned to never settle for any venture in life; however, all journeys are to be embraced as personal and professional challenges. Each and every opportunity should be seen as the ground for initiating growth, intellect and experience. Mandy takes anyone or anything for granted, because she gives every task, each part of her heart and soul to ensure objectives are successfully achieved.

After managing for a number of years, Mandy learned how invaluable life is, including human drive to meet desires by never giving up on dreams, even when life is at its worst. As a writer, a host of her own blog, and her general love for life has inspired her to help others see life for what it is...A miracle.

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