For any of you who might be wondering if your spectrum child will be under your roof forever…well, this one’s for you.

My son and I had the coolest conversation the other day at dinner, when it was just the two of us. I’ve been trying for the last few years (on occasion) to ask my son what he would like to be when he grows up. My question is usually met with silence, or something inappropriate about one of his special interests, or by the simple statement, “I don’t know”. Well, imagine my surprise when I broached the subject the other night (expecting the same response), but instead was met with the following exchange:

“Oh, Mommy, when I grow up,” he said, excitedly, “I’m going to be a teacher.”

I, of course, jumped right on it, surprised and elated to be having an actual conversation about the future. “Really?” I said. “What kind of teacher?”

And he said, “I’ll be a computer teacher, of course.”
“Of course – - “ I was trying to reiterate, but was interrupted.

“And I’m going to marry Jenny (his current “girlfriend” at school) and we’re going to have five kids.”

I was happily surprised to hear he had it all planned out. “Five kids, huh?”

“Oh, yes,” he continued. “It will be a boy, girl, boy, girl, boy – just like that.”

“Well,” I cautioned. “It might not work out just like that.”

“That’s okay,” he said. “I’ll still love them all the same and they’ll have YOU as a Grandma. What could be better than that?”

So for all of you Spectrum Moms out there who think there’s no hope for the future and that no one else understands what you’re going through, please remember this. It is possible for our kids to get better. You just have to take the first step and then another and another… Happy (early) Mothers Day to all of my fellow Warrior Moms!!

Author's Bio: 

Susan Lynn Perry is the Official Autism Expert on in addition to hosting a weekly radio show called The Mother Cub Show, All About Autism on WorldTalk Radio. She is an accomplished freelance writer and best-selling author of fiction, nonfiction, short stories and inspirational articles. Her latest novel, Hindsight, is what she likes to describe as “fiction inspired by true events”. As the mother of a young son currently emerging from autism, she’s had the distinct honor of becoming an expert in the field of natural, biomedical and dietary interventions that have had a profound effect on her son’s health. Please visit her website, for additional information, and remember…it is possible to help your children get better – you just need to take one step, and then another, and then another……