The Warrior's Wheel-A Tool of Transformation
Working the Warrior Wheel
The definition of a warrior is an awakened human, fighting for peace, harmony, and individual, autonomous freedom to bring the Gold Horse to victory.
The Goal of the enlightened warrior is to use their tools to fight ignorance, slavery, bigotry, to bring about a world of individual freedom and autonomy.
Wheels are ways of learning bodies of information in the medicine path.
In the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path they are a lot of wheels. Our mind learns easily in circles so things are over layed that way to help us integrate the teachings and compare them to other wheels for multiple over lays of information.
When I began to train in martial arts I learned about The Warrior Wheel.
I had the opportunity to put the wheel into use when I studied martial arts and began to compete. Being a show-me girl, I always like to see some thing work before I really give it much merit or thought.
If I hadn’t started coming up with issues in my training I might not have tried it, but things started coming up in my program that I had a hard time over coming. One of my good friends who was also in the medicine path suggested that I learn the wheel and put it in to action. You can use this same wheel in a lot of your own day-to-day life situations.
That is why I am sharing it here. This is also a good way for me to empty my cup symbolically. The cup cannot be filled again until it is emptied. By sharing what has worked for you, you are emptying your cup. The universe responds by giving you more to learn.
My first issue was having a hard time judging my space and distance. When you are preparing an attack, it is crucial that you be able to know where you are and what is your opponents kicking distance as well. The idea is to get into their space and score your point with out them seeing it coming. It is like you are on the edge, creep onin then-boom you are in and you score. I was having challegences knowing how close I could get and when I was at my distance to score.
Space and Distance is a South West issue. The counter to that issue is to do personal ceremony and give your self WTA’s to push your edge on all levels.
A WTA is a (warrior task assignment). My interest in martial arts was originally a WTA from the man that I apprenticed to. He challenged me to study a martial art to help me gain a better sense of self in the physical body. So I did, starting in 1999.
The WTA suggested to find ways to push your personal edge or personal comfort zone.
What I did to push my edge was to sign up and take black belt classes that were training for State Competitions and Nationals. I was the only colored belt in the class; every one else was already a Black belt. So every class I took was over my head, really hard but when you train over your head for a project you really gain from a higher level. When I was actually with some one my own belt level I was more than ready to compete with them. They were easy compared to what I trained with every day. It also helped me that I was one of two women in the class, so the intensity of training was really high. That then became my natural level. I thought every woman across the country was training for Nationals the same way I was. Turns out that was not so. My natural level was hands down more intense than any one I competed with. Which was great for me.
To counter my problem gauging space and distance I gave my self the job of training with better and higher ranked martial artist than I was. I also did personal ceremonies to stay connected with spirit. Some times I would just light some incense and sit under a tree out side and pray. In the SW, the symbolical idea to be gained here is my willingness to engage with the unknown. I was afraid of the unknown in a match, would I get kicked really hard, maybe I would lose, how would I feel about that? Do I have the stamina to go three rounds? I had all these little unanswered questions to my self. This was causing me to loose my abilities to judge. As I began to train and really push my personal edge by training above my belt rank, I gained solid strength and understanding about my abilities and limits. This gave me confidence. I did my personal ceremonies to gain a sense of inner strength; this gave me that calm and understanding of (it is a good day to die). When you are really ready to bring it on, that energy and power is so awesome. It really helps support your play.
It seemed that I was getting better at gauging my space and distance with in a few weeks of implementing the new approach. What I think is weird is that as soon as that challenge cleared up I began to have a problem with my timing. Timing is crucial in a martial artist, it is important for all of us and we may not realize it. For a martial artist who is competing it is an important factor. My timing was off; I was missing opportunities and starting to attack to late. So on the wheel I looked it up and discovered the cure was to keep and plot the naturals. What is that? It is the moon phases, cycles, the tides, where are the planets now. What is going on in the heavens? So I bought my self an almanac and begin to read it every morning, where is the moon, what are the times for sun rise and sun set, are any planets in retrograde? I began to get up in the morning to go watch the sunrise; I made sure I watched the sun go down at night. I kept track of when the moon would rise and would watch that. By getting in harmony with the heavens and nature I was in better harmony with my self and all that is. This allowed me to see better and know when to move, when to wait. You can also affect one place of the wheel by working across the wheel. So when I was trying to build my strength and power I not only did the exercise in the west but the east also. In the east it says to pursue knowledge, so I studied the great martial artists especially Bruce Lee, who I think is a Master energy who incarnated. I also studied other spiritual teaching from other schools in the Eight Great Powers. This helped me have a good attitude and approach to my training, and to develop my power and sense of self, and connectedness to all that is.
I used all of this for martial arts, you could use this same wheel to rejuvenate a business, re- build your own physical body, there are a lot of ways of using this teaching to empower your own life.
I took my martial arts to two state competitions and won two gold medals, then to Nationals and won two more golf medals sparring, then to earn my first-degree black belt and my second degree down the road.
If you need a little blue print for success this would be it!
When we learn to live with in sacred law, we can step into our power and shinning in a beauty way.
Here is the warrior wheel starting in the North:
In the North:Intent and Coordination
In the North East: Relaxation and Focus
In the East:Self Development & Speed
In the South East:Attitude & Approach
In the South:Balance & Control
In the South West: Space & Distance
In the West: Power and Strength
In the North West: Pattern and Timing
If you like this article and would like to use it in your own E-zine or Newsletter you can. Just add this complete blurb with the article in it's entirety. From Dallas, TX MarVeena Wells Meek known as The Ghost Queen publishes her Ghost Queen E-zine twice a month with spiritual and paranormal articles. Also hints and tips on psychic development. You can sign up for free at her web site
Thank you for spending some time here with me! May you walk in beauty!
(c) MarVeena Meek, August 9, 2009
For more on the warrior wheel,
See "The Song of the Deer" by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi
Check out
Also see my blog for information on the Gold Horse at
MarVeena has been dubbed "The Ghost Queen" from Dallas, TX. After going through a Near Death Experience she began seeing and hearing messages from people no longer living. This inspired her to study and pursue spiritual understanding and paranormal expertise. She regularly goes to homes to help "ghost's" move on to a more appropriatem plane.
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