Former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe’s outspoken warning to China that Tokyo and Washington won't stand-by if Beijing attacked Taiwan is a communication to President Xi Jinping to tone down his combativeness over Taipei.
Speaking nearly at a forum organized by a Taiwanese think tank on Wednesday, Abe said “ An fortified irruption of Taiwan would be a grave peril to Japan. A Taiwan exigency is a Japanese exigency, and thus an exigency for the Japan-US alliance. People in Beijing, President Xi Jinping in particular, shouldn't have a misreading in feting this.” Abe is head of the largest body of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and remains a veritably influential figure in the party and the Island nation.
Former PM Abe’s statement came at a time when Japan has decided to upgrade and extend the capability of its voyage dumdums to hit objects over 1000 kilometres from the present capability of 100-200 km. Developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Diligence, the dumdums will be stationed in the alternate half of this decade withmulti-spectrum capability. Basically, the Japanese plan is to discourage the increased bullet development competition in the Asia Pacific Region.
Given the once heritage of Japan, China and South Korea will be uneasy with this bullet development plan but the fact is that Beijing is in a hyperactive-aggressive mode in the region. It has formerly stationed intermediate- range ballistic dumdums that can target any megacity in Japan and the US base in Guam. The Chinese propaganda media has nick- named these dumdums boat killer and Guam killer.
While the US has formerly made it clear that it would take ( unidentified) action if China was to use force to alter the status of Taiwan, the Biden administration, backed by the US Congress, is considering a plan to emplace an intermediate- range ballistic bullet network on the first Islet chain connecting Okinawa (which has a US base) to Taiwan and Philippines.
In the light of the below, Shinzo Abe statement shouldn't be taken smoothly as it makes it apparent that Tokyo will exfoliate its peacenik posture ( elevated in composition nine of their constitution) if China continues to steamroll its hegemonistic docket in the Asia Pacific as well as towards Indiansub-continent.
Just as the PLA has increased the number of intermediate- range bullet launchers to as high as 82 towards Asia-Pacific adversaries, it has also stationed long- range dumdums in Tibet to pressurize India and subdue the bitsy Himalayan area of Bhutan. China has formerly started erecting an airbase in Burang county, just north of Lipu-Lekh pass, and it's only a matter of time when military aircraft and drones will be stationed at the new base. Formerly, the PLA has stationed two S-400 air defence systems against India in Tibet and three systems to handle the possible US-Japan trouble on its eastern seacoast.
Several China watchers believe that Beijing will come more aggressive towards Taiwan after the February 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing as it doesn't want any games swap from the sharing nations like US and Japan in the worst-case script. The situation on the India-China border in Ladakh is no different with Beijing continuing its Sinicization of Tibet and Xinjiang docket and turning the Himalayan table into a fort. The queried Senkaku Island chain is just 100 km from Taiwan and the Burang field bare 400 km from Delhi. A two- front deterrence may force China to abandon its truculent path as any adverse action can helical into a global conflict.
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