Have you ever stopped to think about the many benefits of adequate sleep?
Because of our different life styles most of us look at sleep in one of two ways: (1) a waste of time or (2) we have the feeling we never get enough sleep.

(1) If you are the kind of person whose life style makes you feel sleep is a waste of
time, then you fit in with a large group of other Americans who feel the same way.
Activity, production, and being busy all the time seems to be your way of life. If you
are not actively engaged in thinking, doing productive tasks or going somewhere,
you tend to feel guilty. Your guilt causes you to set aside less and less of your time
for sleep. In fact, you will soon find yourself getting into the habit of regarding a
good night's sleep as a total waste of your time. But, when this becomes your
attitude, your way of life, you should be aware of these facts: there is a better way.
A better way to be more productive. A better way to get more things done and -
done much better than ever before.

(2) On the other hand maybe your life style means you are so active, busy, and
under so much pressure to meet all of your ever-present deadlines, you get
drained, worn out, and just plain bushed. In short, you may find you are always
tired and weighed down by what you think is your need for more time. You may
often find yourself longing to get away from the never-ending pressures. You could
have a constant, unfulfilled need for: sleep, relaxation and a bit of simple,
entertaining fun. But those needs are never met. Again, believe me when I say -
there is a better way.

Here's a suggestion. Consider adopting the following simple plan to help you
overcome either one of those two life styles: If you will look at a day, that is,
twenty-four hours, and then divide those hours by three, you'll see there are three
eight hour segments of time in a day. Next, decide to make it your plan to - forever
more - partition off those three segments of time by designating each of them as
follows: (1) the first eight hour period is for "work", (2) the next is for "recreation",
and (3) the third is for - you guessed it - "sleep". Now we've arrived at the "better
way" discussed above. But, the only way this plan will work for you is if you are
convinced it has benefits, benefits that will dramatically improve your life style now
and for the rest of your life.

Here is where you have to prayerfully make what can be a radical life-changing
decision. You have to decide to put this plan into action. Then you have to ACT on
your decision! Why? Here's why....

(1) Work: when you can concentrate all of your attention on the work you are
doing you know that your determined effort will produce greater efficiency, more
results and, ultimately, greater rewards (like more money or success) for you.

(2) Recreation: as a creative person I have found that my recreation time, my
time with family, a hobby or just the time I take for relaxing and reading a good
book has many unexpected benefits. For all of us, those kinds of benefits have a
way of changing our overall attitude toward life. The result of this kind of rest is
that our accomplishments at work can be radically improved.

(3) Sleep: when you seize the time to get at least eight hours of sleep out of
every twenty-four hours you will soon find you can be: more productive, happier,
more creative, easier for others to get along with, healthier, a better listener, more
attentive, able to get better ideas, less accident prone and generally find yourself
much more alert in every way.

So, if you want to improve your life style and be happier, here is how to do it:
follow this simple plan. Remember, the best way to get started is to make a high
and holy resolve to get adequate sleep. Once you do that your desire for more
accomplishments at work and more time for recreation will just naturally fall into

The pleasant result of this three-step plan is that you can have better health,
more energy and greater happiness today and - for the rest of your life.

Terry Weber

P.S. One way to get better sleep is to find a way to sleep in the dark. Lights can disturb and prevent sound sleep. You are cordially invited to see the no light sleep masks offered to you on my website: http://www.originalsbyweber.com

Author's Bio: 

Terry Weber is a retired advertising/direct mail sales letter copywriter and inventor of several useful items. Terry and his wife Doris were Habitat For Humanity, RV Care-A- Vanners who, for the past eight years volunteered to help build more than 39 houses all over the USA. They traveled to and from the 2-week long builds in their RV. The money they make on their website helped them pay their expenses to and from those volunteer Habitat builds.

P.S. Due to the high cost of gasoline and some recent health problems we can no longer drive the RV to Habitat builds. The RV has been sold. If you want to "give back" try joining Habitat For Humanity. It is both rewarding and lots of fun to help a hard working, needy family get an affordable home of their own. Note: This is a "hands-up" not a "hand-out" program. They have a no- interest mortgage and no down payment is required.