Training routines of advanced bodybuilder are greatly different from that of a beginner. The differences in the training regimens include not only the weight being used, but the frequency of the lifting and usually the diet as well. An advanced bodybuilders physique can be a thing of beauty indeed and it can only be achieved through the use of incredible discipline and muscle building workouts designed to put the athlete in peak performance shape. Before we look at some of the characteristics of these advanced bodybuilding routines let's first define what we mean when we say advanced bodybuilder.

The definition of an advanced bodybuilder can change from one person to the next. Some simply think of it as the time that someone has been working out. In this case, someone who has put four or five years into their bodybuilding regimen could be considered advanced, but other bodybuilders strongly disagree. After all, someone who has been working out for five years but has achieved little or no visible results would not likely be a candidate to be called an advanced bodybuilder. Instead, those with T-shirt ripping shoulders and biceps that earn the respect and admiration of everyone else in the gym clearly own this moniker. Getting there was no easy feat, so the term advanced bodybuilder should be relegated to the few who have achieved significant results. Speaking of significant results, now let's look at some of the training routines of these advanced bodybuilders.

Once someone has achieved a physique of significant size and shape, their routines will likely roof all around the shaping and defining of these muscles versus simply the building of them. In the beginning stages, or bulking faces as they are often called, the focus was on putting on muscle. Now that the muscle has been developed, it will be important to define it and give it the best overall shape and quality possible. This is done through a combination of strict dieting and isolation sets. An isolation set is a particular exercise that spotlights one individual body part versus several at once. An arm curl using a dumbbell is a perfect example of an isolation set where as the squat is a compound movement that will kick several muscle groups at once.

Another important aspect in the routines of advanced bodybuilders is the types of diets that they are on to get into peak shape. Once someone has achieved the size they desire, they will want to cut every bit of body fat they can to even further highlight the clarity of their defined muscular physique. Those bodybuilders who are approaching an actual bodybuilding contest may go to such extreme lengths as to purge all water from their system as well.

The routines of advanced bodybuilders can be intense and at times extreme. BECAUSE of their experience and skill level, most bodybuilders know the inherent risks of such things as working out every single day and going on extreme fat burning diets to get into the best shape possible and do their best to minimize any negative side effects. One thing is for sure though, this lifestyle IS risky and advanced bodybuilder routines should ONLY be practiced by advanced bodybuilders.

Author's Bio: 

Emile Jarreau, aka, Mr. Fat Loss is fascinated by health, nutrition and weight loss. For more great info about bodybuilding for losing weight and keeping it off visit