There is no greater teacher than experience and as we grow older we learn(or ought to)valuable lessons about life. Important among these are:

1. Appreciation- We become more appreciative of the things and persons we once took for granted. We begin to see the efforts behind the things that are done by others for our comfort and happiness; the loving and selfless acts of caring relatives, co-workers and friends.

2. Caution- We become less impulsive, less rash, more prone to pause and consider before taking a step, uttering a comment, making a judgement or criticism. Gradually, caution becomes a way of life and we shy away from the unknown and unexpected.

3. Compassion- Perhaps we mellow a bit or it may be that we learn empathy. Whatever it is, we grow in understanding and acceptance of each other’s weaknesses and failings; hence we are less critical and judgemental. Also we become more sympathetic to other people’s suffering, particularly if we have walked that road ourselves.

4. Reason - We become aware that there are other feelings, opinions, ideas, problems and issues that matter apart from ours. We learn to put ourselves in the other person’s place and look at things from a different perspective - We become more reasonable.

5. Temperance- We learn to temper our passions and increase our patience. We gain better control of our emotions- love, anger, excitement, resentment etc. We also learn to distinguish better our needs from our wants; to practice abstinence rather than indulgence.

6. Generosity- Gradually, we develop a greater inclination to share - our time, our talents our resources, our wealth. We are probably living at a less frantic pace and can now find the time and disposition for such things. Also, it might be that we recognize the futility of hoarding our gifts and possessions since there is nothing we can do with them when we pass on.

7. Relaxation- Our bodies dictate a dire need for relaxation. We grow tired more easily and often feel the need to walk rather than run, to sit rather than stand, to rest rather than party – to slow down. Our brain goes into relaxation mode as we go into frequent periods of reflection and reminiscing. We just slow down.

8. Mentoring- We are more wont to share our insights gained through experience; to give unsolicited guidance and counsel; to be patient with those who may be slow to comprehend. Maybe that’s because we are not as much in a hurry as we used to be before.

9. Wisdom - We understand far better than before when to react and when not to, when to speak and when to desist, when to watch, when to wait, when to try to change things and when to let things be.

10. Faith- And hopefully, halfway through life’s journey we are stronger in faith than at the start. After a lifetime of challenges, blessings, successes, failures, joys and sorrows we certainly must have grown into a deeper relationship with the Lord!

Author's Bio: 

Main Areas- Education, Writing, Editing
Career Focus -Writer, Editor

Joyette Fabien has over twenty five years of experience in secondary level education which has provided a wealth of experience in dealing with children and their parents from varied social strata. Currently she is employed in the social services sector where she also encounters different types of people from different backgrounds. She has learned a lot of important life lessons which ,she believes, could be useful to others.

Some of Joyette Fabien's published articles can be found at