Aligning Your Life Design with Your Life Purpose
As we consciously begin to recognize our role in being the interior designers of our own lives, we can consciously choose to design them in a very focused, integral (body, mind and spirit) way. Consciously designing our lives in this way can bring us the fulfillment we desire.
Life is constantly bringing you new challenges and new learning opportunities. When you become more purposeful by consciously choosing and designing your experience, you will find yourself attracting more opportunities to experience real heart-felt satisfaction. To create the life of your dreams, you must develop the courage to create! You create (consciously or not) through your intentions, your beliefs, and your actions.
As you examine the current state of your life, you will be able to honestly determine whether you are thriving or merely surviving. When you are absolutely fulfilled and satisfied with a particular area of your life, you are thriving. When you are not satisfied with a particular area of your life, you are merely surviving. What would your life look like if you designed it with conscious focus and attention? What would fulfillment look like and feel like for you in each area of your life?
As you being to focus on what you really want and couple that clear desire with a vision that represents it, you will naturally being to move toward your goals. A key element in discovering your true desires begins with establishing a life purpose statement for yourself. This involves focusing your attention on the essence of who you are. It involves recognizing your true soul passions. Your purpose will serve you in multiple ways. It will give meaning to your work, your relationships, your choices and your life! It involves an intuitive feeling of being perfectly aligned with your specific reasons for being alive and being in this world. You might describe it as your “calling.” However you describe it, it powerfully shapes the direction of your life.
Once your life purpose is established, accepted and welcomed, it becomes easier to align your life design work with the work that is associated with your life purpose. An authentic purpose statement clarifies what you will do with regard to your work, your relationships, and your life. Confirmation that you’ve connected with your purpose stems from a strong, intuitive feeling of connection to it, a desire to fulfill it, deep feelings of satisfaction when you act upon it, and a natural gravitation toward actualizing it.
Fulfillment in life is truly derived from living from your purpose and your primary values. You will naturally allow feelings of wholeness and satisfaction when you create life design goals that are based on how you would view your life if you were living out your life purpose. You are alive to accept and expand upon your true passions. When your purpose, your internal power and your passion blend together, you will understand the true meaning of fulfillment. You will simultaneously enrich the lives of others because you are living purposefully and joyfully.
The truth is that each day you are presented with opportunities to live out your purpose. With awareness, clarity, focus and determination, you can consciously design your life ON PURPOSE. You do this by selecting relationships, work, environments, creative pursuits and attitudes with care. When you use your purpose as a guide to making decisions that will lead to greater joy and an authentic expression of your true self, you will become clear about the path to pursue and the path to release.
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Dear Phenomenal Future Client,
Working with me as your coach is unique. I say this because I've been in this industry for over 17 years. I combine my educational and professional background in counseling psychology, my energy medicine and wellness/fitness background with my life and business coaching certification and skills, my broadcasting skills as the host of the "Create Change Now" Radio Show, and blend that with my history as a best selling personal development author and my spiritual awareness and deep intuitive skills (heightened after my neath death experience 15 years ago) to help you shift from limitation to expansion in every area of your life. I love watching my clients as they thrive and flourish in ways they never even imagined. My approach as a life and business coach is a HOLISTIC (BODY, MIND, SPIRIT) one. This provides the balance and awareness I feel is essential to creating lasting fulfillment and success that flows from the inside-out. Your expansion awaits!
Credentials: Bachelor of Arts Degree: Psychology/Sociology, Masters in Counseling Psychology, Certified Life Coach, Certified Spiritual Coach, Certified Business Coach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Human Physiology and Exercise Science Expertise, Certified Personal Trainer with ACE. Certified/Attuned to Reiki I and II, Metaphysics, Certified in Hypnotherapy, International Mentor, Award-Winning Author of 5 books, including the Best-Seller: Create Change Now, Broadcaster/Host of Create Change Now Radio Show
Email me to set up a complimentary coaching strategy session so we can illuminate your soul's path and purpose and get you on the path to pure and authentic soul -driven success!
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