More often than not, abbreviated as RTF, it is a proprietary document file format that has particular specification developed by one of the well-known names, Microsoft Corporation ever since the year 1987 for document exchange process to be done easily over and across platforms. A majority of word processors are capable at reading and writing a few versions of Rich Text Format. There are many revisions and portability files that depend upon this format. It is wise to understand that enriched text is different to this one. It was in the midst of late 1980s that the original product had been developed and the initial reader and writer had been shipped in the year 1987. The copyright is maintained by Microsoft itself. Not like other processing formats, this one is very much readable by humans. When it is opened in a text editor, without having to format, the alphanumeric text becomes legible. There are many control codes contained in most of the programs like Microsoft Word which is for easy compatibility with older programs. The usage or Word processor is able to directly edit. It is the internal markup language that is utilized by Microsoft Word. All in all, ever since 1987, these files could be transferred to and fro between a lot of old and new computer systems regardless of the differences in operating systems and their editions. Each of the RTF implementations is in general implemented only in some of the editions. A lot of the available converters are not able to understand all of the new features in the most recent specifications of the format. It is one format that has its internal markup lingo utilized Word.
Portable Document Format is another format that belongs to Adobe systems and it came up with it in the year 1993. Earlier, creating such files was not available for free; the previous versions had no support for external hyperlinks so as to lessen its usefulness on the Net. A lot of people make use of software to edit pdf files to convert files from word to this format. PDF is highly secure and dependable format as the publisher of the content can set a number of security parameters to keep it safe from treats like content copying, manipulation or unauthorized duplication of any kind. These are more attractive and captivating leaving a unique irresistible appeal in the reader's mind making the content more readable and interesting.
Many people convert their PDF documents to word in addition to which they also need to make some changes in the content. These changes can not be made in case the file was created in the portable document format, as we know it is a non-editable format. So whatever the type of conversions it is, these converters can be used to solve that purpose. Hence addressing two problems with same too and saving a lot of time and effort.
Gracy Brett is the developer & publisher of powerful PDF to Word and Word to PDF conversion products. She is the frequent writer of supportive trade articles.
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