Ever had a fracture and turned to a complicated surgery? Ever felt shootings pains and turned to aspirin? Ever felt anxious, sad or nervous and immediately turned to anti–depressants? Most of us turn to immediate Allopathic medicines which aim in curing pain immediately. This happens because, most of the times, conventional medicines combat symptoms and not the actual root cause. So rest assured, you will feel relieved instantly but it might be a recurring problem because it did not get cured at the root! Conventional medicine, most times, offers a cure for a short term period and does not cure you off your illness for the long term!
In recent years, many other medical practices have come in vogue. They are not the usual, conventional medicines and practices that we all know, but they are natural and heal the body internally. The Eastern part of the world has made a big contribution in developing and discovering the natural healing processes. Gradually, after research, western countries have learned the benefits and are now using them on regular basis. These non conventional practices might be slow but they nip the illness in the bud so there is no relapse! These days, many healthcare providers, combine both Allopathic and alternative practices for a sure shot healing process. Some of the well known alternative practices are:
• Energy therapies like ReikiReiki is a Japanese natural healing therapy which gently balances all the energies and “chakras” of our body, thereby relieving a person of body aches and pains. It is transferring heat and energy from the Reiki guru to the recipient.
• Mind Body Interventions like Yoga – Yoga is one of the most popular alternative healing practices. It is all about breathing techniques and basic scientific body exercises. This relaxes a person and reduces stress levels and anxiety levels. Regular yoga exercises help harmonize mind, body and soul.
• Manipulative Body Based therapies like Massage and Chiropractic – massage and chiropractic therapies focus on body parts and structures. It helps in releasing muscle tension, increases flexibility and blood flow.
• Biological therapies mainly include modifications and correction in your regular diet. Benefits of eating certain vegetables, herbs and fruits and well known. Including the right ones for the right cause in your diet is essential.
Finding long term solutions to your problems contributes in a big way to your overall well being. Sometimes, a person needs to slow down and not immediately reach for an antacid or an aspirin. There are other, more natural ways to cure you off your ailments. It is only in recent times that the western world has opened eyes to these natural therapies. Grandma`s food was always more tasty. Have you ever wondered why? She used all natural produce and cooked in a healthy way. She might have taken longer to cook dinner, but final product was awesome! Same is the case here. Allopathic and conventional treatments are quick but not lasting. Your symptoms might reappear at a later stage. Try combining Allopathy with alternative practices and see the difference yourself. After all, seeing is believing!

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Break The Norms provides life coaching, personal development and professional growth advice in New York. Join our customized programs for your personal transformation & professional growth. Meditate, discover, & transform into a new YOU!