I have been fond of this saying for a long time.

It just seems so appropriate for the new season to get it on our minds to let go of what ever is holding us back on any level.

If we can lighten our load, the source energy can get us a lot farther down the road to our dreams.

Have you ever been at an airport terminal and had to walk to another one last minute. You have all your bags, probably really late to catch a plane. You are pulling your bags and going as fast as you can.
You almost have a heart attack carrying all your stuff.

Then when you get to your destination, you realize you didn't need half the stuff you brought with you.

Our thoughts and attachments to ideas of wrong doing are like those heavy bags.

Take some time tonight to back track in your mind to any negative thoughts, emotions, ideas, beliefs or unhealthy attachments.

Just try to look around in the shadows to find some excessive baggage. When you find some, say to your self " how far can I fly hanging on to that"?

Are you holding an attachment to a painful past? Are you holding disappointment for your self or others? What about fear or anger? All negative emotions hamper your progress forward. Even negative emotions we think we have a right to hold onto.

We have to be accountable for what we have going on in our mental world. If it is ugly thoughts, do something!

If you need some processes and ideas to help you get out of a rut, or a funk or whatever you describe a bad time check on my ideas on my web site. I have a hand full of information products to fit your goals and budget.

There are some more articles here on my blog to help you look at things with a different perspective and ceremonies to forgive and move on! Have a look around and if you have questions let me know.

Bright Blessings!

PS: Thank you for sharing this article with your friends!

Author's Bio: 

MarVeena Meek had a near death experience that altered the course of her life. As a result of the injuries she began having visions and conversations with people no longer living. This got her started on a life long pursuit of spiritual understanding and awakening. Now she gives special mediumship readings and teaches self mastery programs through out the US. http://marveena.com/blog