Take Action Now and Reclaim Your Strength, Health and Focus!
Does your current injury keep you from participating in your athletic endeavors? Perhaps you have recurrent injuries that keep coming back no matter what you do? Or you feel drained and like you lost some focus and strive? You energy level is low?
If you are a serious athlete – no matter what level – you want to feel great every day. You have your long- or short-term training plan, you eat right, you get enough sleep, to make it short - you already take good care of yourself.
If you are then faced with chronic or even onetime injuries that slow you down or take you out of your training completely, you are faced with more than a physical challenge. It is draining not be a part of the sport you love, or not to be able to compete for something you trained so hard for and you are passionate about.
If you trained well all along and you are physically ready for your next meet or race, and you lose your chances to win because you cannot keep your focus when you need to – this is one of the most frustrating moments.
You are not alone. We have watched many professional athletes get hurt and having a hard time recovering. Even to the extent that they have to retire prematurely.
With these realizations comes the power to transform your situation into something powerful and positive.
Here is what you can do to make long-term changes that will help you recover, refocus and succeed.
Start making changes from the inside out:
Change your thinking
Everything starts with a thought. You know that already. You might be using visualization techniques to prepare for competitions. You already understand the physiological connection between your inner images and your nervous-system. The latter being the one getting your muscles working.
When you are injured and in pain your thoughts will potentially be on that injury and the pain almost all day long. People around you might ask you about it, you simply feel it or you research it.
As long as your focus is on your problem you will stay in that situation. It is time to redirect your thinking toward something positive.
Remember the healthy you
Take time to breathe deeply in a quiet environment and remember the healthy you. Remember what it felt like to be fully functional and pain-free. Bask in it for about 10 minutes a day.
Distract yourself
As much as you can – distract yourself. Focus on the great weather, a good book, family, your pet, a funny movie – anything that makes you smile. You could also simply daydream about your favorite vacation etc.
These are simple and easy, yet extremely powerful and empowering ways to speed up your recovery.
Take the next step now and visit www.ready2heal.net. Learn how Kerstin Tracy applies gentle therapeutic touch to reclaim your health and reach your true potential.
Kerstin Tracy is a Sports Science Specialist and CranioSacral Therapist dedicated to helping athletes who are struggling with physical challenges or seeking an increased mental focus to reach their peak potential.
Passionate about the power of thoughts and emotions, Kerstin blends her knowledge of the human body, skills as an Advanced Craniosacral Therapist and precise intuition to offer her clients clear and easy steps to overcome physical and emotional challenges to reach levels of success they have never reached before.
She is passionate about expanding her clients mind set and helping them understand their body’s ability to heal and self-correct. She is dedicated to helping people realize the importance of the mind body connection and how it affects injuries, plateaus and the mental focus in athletes.
Kerstin has been working with the human body for the past 20 years, has a Master degree in Physical Education and Sports Science from the German Sport University in Cologne, she is a licensed holistic health practitioner in Germany and a licensed massage therapist specialized in CranioSacral Therapy which she studied under Dr. John Upledger in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Kerstin lives with her family in Reno, Nevada, is the owner of Ready2Heal LLC and enjoys skiing, Pilates, hiking, yoga, traveling and loves nature.
To learn more and sign up for her free monthly newsletter, go to www.ready2heal.net or www.facebook.com/ready2heal
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