Have you ever noticed how spiritual leaders really live their lives? Oftentimes, we place these people above ourselves and put them on a pedestal. I feel that when we so this, we are setting them up (and ourselves) for a great fall. My own sister used to tell me how much better than her she thought I was because of my spiritual practice. She would always comment on how I was so great at this...and so great at that....I would always tell her I am no better than her, that I just had different disciplines than she did and that I didn’t feel comfortable with her saying these things because I knew one day I was really going to let her down. After all, I am human!
Well, that day came. She and I didn’t speak for about a year! I felt horrible! The image she had built of me, was shattered! When we finally reconciled, our relationship became stronger and we were grew closer than ever before. The “playing field” became more level and we could relate to each other in a more real way. This took the pressure off me and made her feel worthy.
There are many examples of how spiritual leaders have let their “followers” down. I could name a list here but I won’t. What is the point? The meaning of the word spiritual as I have found in the dictionaries, means “of, or pertaining to spirit.” Spirit means, “the principle of a conscious life, the vital principle in humans, animating the body or mediating between body and soul.”
There is no mention of religion here. To be spiritual, doesn’t mean one must live the life, of what we perceive, as a saint. Spiritual means to be in touch with the essence that makes us human, alive! It doesn’t mean we must be supernatural. There is no one who is more spiritual than others. We are all spiritual beings whether we recognize this fact or not.
Many people are living a self-proclaimed “spiritual lifestyle”. What does this mean? As a member of the yoga community for almost two decades I hear this very often and see how people use this to mark their territory from one yogic tradition to the other. Ego is how we see ourselves in this world. It is what creates our personality and makes us who we are. Yet if we could focus more on letting go of our identification with this, that or the other, then we would truly realize the oneness we share.
There is no need to claim our spirituality because we are already complete beings. When we listen to “spiritual masters” speak, they all have the same message to share. That is, we have nothing to do, nothing to prove, nowhere to get to. We are already That! There is no trying, no goals. When we finally realize who we are, we will be able to see others in this same light. We will no longer be disappointed by the actions of others as the pedestals will be removed.
Karuna DiLibero works for Zoxon International Spiritual Federation, Inc. to promote the historic weeklong event called, The Gathering, A Spiritual Woodstock, which is designed to bring people to the point of Self Awareness! We are dedicated to the spiritual evolution of all humans so that we can make our world a healthier, more loving place in which to live! Karuna has been an instructor of yoga since 1998 and is still loving every minute of it! She is a lover of magic, nature, photography, outdoor sports and is a life enthusiast!
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