“It seems from all I’m seeing; your major focus is on writing and marketing books. What’s gotten you so excited about this right now?” Brian Basilico, host It’s Not About You, It’s About Bacon Podcast show, asked me during a recent interview.

“Now more than ever, we’re at a really critical time in our world and words have the power to change lives. I’m committed to helping as many authors get their message out in a big way,” I responded.

This was the kickoff to a lively conversation between Brian and myself.

The main point I wanted to get across during the interview is this; regardless of whether you write books, blog posts, articles or post your thoughts on social media sites, words have power.

It's a Critical Time

Right now, more than ever, authors need to step up to the plate and be willing to transform readers with your words.

As an author, are you willing to write your truth? Are you willing to take a position that CAN change lives? Are you willing to quit hiding out?

In my interview with Brian, I shared why writing is so important to me and the clients I work with. If I can help a transformational writer get their message out to market, I’ve done my job.

In order to have this ability, it is essential for me to get out of the shadows. I must write about what is important to me. I must also be willing to not let other people’s judgment of me stop me in any way, shape or form.

Case in point

With all that is occurring around the Charlottesville, Va., there are those of us not willing to stand by in silence.

The following is a post I recently posted on Facebook.

The great majority of people know right from wrong.

They know that there are evil and dangerous people. Many are speaking out against this evil, while others sit by quietly, not wanting to rock the boat. The boat must be rocked!

Here's the deal….

President Trump on Tuesday, August 15, 2017 sought to sanitize the stench of hate surrounding a deadly white nationalist rally in Virginia, calling armed, torch-carrying protesters clad in Nazi gear “very fine people” looking to protect their history.

Let's be very, very clear. Any Nazi is NOT a very fine person. Not at all. They are evil, dangerous and are not welcome anywhere. They are teaching their children hatred and attempting to infect the world with their poisonous BS.

Growing up, my mother shared stories of what it was like to live in a country occupied by the Nazis during WWII. As a young teen, she grew up knowing the evils, first hand, of what it was like to wonder if her home would be bombed, her friends taken to the camps (yes, there were many of her Jewish schoolmates who, from one day to the next, she witnessed disappearing), her own family under the threat of going to the camps and her uncle being beheaded by the Nazis for working the underground resistance. Every day my great uncle would do what he knew was right at the risk of losing his life, until one day he did.

Many people are speaking out as we watch the horrors unfold in the United States and around the world. Yet, many are passing judgement when they do not see others stepping up… or so they think.

In reality, we do not see all that our friends are doing.

If you don't see that people are standing up for what is right and just, do not assume they are not.

My dear friend, Audrey Joseph is involved in San Francisco with organizing a march. In her own words “HEADS UP!!!! You have spoken and I agree the counter demonstration should happen in Civic Center at the same time on Aug 26th. More later but please be prepares to have your voices heard – to speak out against bigotry and hate.”

If you're not on Audrey's thread you have no idea what she's doing. And yet, Audrey is the kind of woman who rocks the boat, speaks up, organizes and does so with so much passion, power and persistence. She will not be silenced. She will not let hate prevail.

Do not assume because you haven't seen what folks are up to in the wake of hatred escalating that they are not doing something. Do not judge what you cannot see. There are many people at work on a grassroots level doing a lot.

Rather than judge others level of involvement, we must all ask ourselves, “Are we keeping silent out of fear of being judged and politically correct?” Screw political correctness. Our voices must be heard.

Are we offering up solutions or are we waiting for others to create the solution?

There is absolutely no time to stand by and hope this will go away. Each, in our own way, must be willing to stand up and be heard.

***End of post on Facebook***

Do What You Can

Truth be told, each, in our own way, can do. Each, in our own way, must do something.

Words have power. Words influence others. Words make a difference.

Are your words being heard, seen and read? If not, why not.

Don’t wait for permission. Step up and be counted.

Author's Bio: 

Kathleen Gage works with successful entrepreneurs who are ready to quit playing small in order that they can get their signature message out in a BIG way through speaking, writing, information products and a targeted online presence.
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