There are many ways for those in need to secure emergency cash. Whether taking a bank loan, a payday loan, pawning your belongings or doing an odd-job, there are pitfalls that can keep you from accessing emergency funds.

Bank loans are notoriously hard to secure and if your credit is subpar, there is very little chance you will be qualified. Furthermore, bank loans can take a long time to process and you may need money today. Similarly, payday loans require credit checks and can often only lend hundreds of dollars. These paltry sums may not be enough for your pressing financial issue.

So, what to do if you are in need of extra cash and want to circumvent the usual problems found in bank and payday loans? Consider auto title loans in San Francisco. These loans are unique in the fact that rather than lending based on credit, auto title loan lenders lend based on the equity within a vehicle.

Additionally, with auto title loans in San Francisco, you can receive thousands of dollars within 24 hours if you qualify. Do not worry if you think that your car has no equity because even a total lemon might qualify you for a salvage title loan.

The sooner you apply, the sooner you can be awarded thousands of dollars. Once approved, your cash can be delivered to you via direct deposit, MoneyGram, or check. It is entirely up to you!

Author's Bio: 

Joel Pencer is an authority on all things personal finance and auto finance.