Awaken Your Magnificence

We have all heard the wisdom of the Law of Attraction. We know that we are to "be" before we can have. We know we are to give before we are to get. We also know we are to learn before we can teach. Wisdom is having the experiential application of what you have learned.

I'm sure you have read and implemented a world of incredible resources and tools to help you get from where you are to where you want to be. So how is it working for you? Some of you may well be well on your way to achieving your goals and dreams just as you have envisioned. You may already have manifested your hearts content and can extoll all the virtues of positive thoughts and taking inspired action and just making it happen. If that is you, then congratulations! You deserve a round of applause and I mean that sincerely.

However, what if you are one of the many frustrated souls that are staring at your vision board daily, doing your affirmations, and visualizing with all the emotion and feeling you can muster and have yet to experience the joy, abundance and freedom you long for?

I feel your pain. I know how hard it is to keep the positive energy high in the face of all your bills, worries and concerns. If only you had just a sign that you are on the right path. Some gift that reassures you that all your efforts are not in vain. Some kind of indicator to say the Universe is listening and will respond in kind rather than continue to give you the crap you keep experiencing. Am I getting close? Have I described your experience? It can often feel like you are going nuts at times, because the whole reason you started to work with the Laws of Attraction is to manifest what you want rather what you do not want. Right? Yet you find yourself manifesting more of what you don't want! Crazy isn't it!? It hurts, and can make you feel like it only works for other people.

This my friend, is a more common story with the law of attraction than those of abundance joy and success. So do not worry, you are not alone, and you are not crazy. There is hope.

The challenge is; mediocrity, lack and struggle are what your core blueprint is made of. This is your base resonant pattern you and all your other selves know the best. This core vibration goes very deep into your cellular memory. This is where your ego has found its "default" comfort zone. Any action outside of this default persona is staunchly attacked by the ego and the lower selves. The receptors in your brain have a very hard time moving over to a new and empowered vision of who you are. Yes, you may pull it off for a few days, but you have enough raw data and negative beliefs to cause and support a snap-back to the old self.

Yuck! That sounds like a pretty formidable obstacle to have to overcome in order to experience the Law of Attraction on your terms doesn't it? You see, you have another law working behind the scenes; it's the Law of Associative Memory. This is where an event attached to an emotion has created the memory. The longer you have reinforced this "less than" memory, the harder it is to change the pattern. The receptors in your brain are like a tightly wound elastic. Yes, you want them to move over to a new empowering thought pattern, but the old pattern is so strong that is snaps back to the status quo at the slightest circumstance and you can't experience long lasting change.

What needs to happen is a shake-up of your experience. You need to blast the old patterns of feeling lack, worry, pain or any lower emotion or thought with a new empowered one. Yes, I am well aware you may have attempted to snap yourself out of on old pattern in the moment, but we both know that it is not easy to catch yourself or have the power to overcome the ego all the time. In fact, I will bet dollars to donuts that you have fought for your limitations on more than just a few occasions.

So here are 3 Essentials to Transform Mediocrity into Magnificence:

1) Awareness and Acceptance - What needs to happen is an awareness on a whole new level. Pretending you are someone different only gets you so far. Stop lying to yourself and get real with your weaknesses, limitations and behaviour patterns that block you from your dreams. You know yourself well enough at this point in your life to know your patterns. How do you react when you feel angry, sad, frustrated or worried? Write a list of the familiar situations, then write your default reactions. Be very honest with yourself. By admitting you still hang on to these dramas and stories is a huge first step.

2) The Moment of Truth - This will be the toughest essential to implement; recognizing your lower behaviours in the moment they occur, then admit where you are at verbally either to yourself or if someone is present. Say for example you were triggered by a phone call from a bill collector, right when you were feeling great. Now after the call you are feeling those old feelings of shame, guilt and frustration. This time however, you know the trigger and how you normally react to the trigger. Say out loud, "I am feeling triggered by that phone call, I am allowing this moment in time to impact my feelings. I have a choice; I can choose a positive or negative experience. I normally, would react in an old pattern, but today I am not going to let it effect me in the same way. I know I am breaking free and this call was just to remind me of what I am moving away from." " What is great about this situation?" The more you verbalize it out, the more your neuroreceptors are breaking free of the old pattern. Talking out your feelings creates emotion and emotions help lock in a new pattern. The key here is to do this as often as you can. I know if you are alone in a coffee shop or in a place where no one knows you can be a little awkward. Say it under your breath if you can, or wait until you can express it, but do not miss this step.

3) Change your state - Your default memories and personality are stuck in a world you would rather not experience. I know this personally very well. I lived it most of my life. You have to begin to be very observant and vigilant of your physiology- how you move. Chances are, you need to amp up your game with your physical movements. Our walk, posture, expression and breathing all pay a price when we are not feeling our power. This becomes our calling card to the world. We need to change that quickly. 1) Let's start with your breathing: It's the quickest way to change your state. When we are in a low vibration our breathing is typically very shallow. Which means less oxygen in our blood. Less oxygen equals less energy. Breath deep and on purpose fully from your belly. You'll be surprised at what else begins to follow: you start to straighten your back, shoulders broaden, and the cloudiness in your mind begins to clear. 2) Smile! Yes, just the act of smiling sends endorphins (happy chemicals) to the brain. 3) Walk tall and with purpose. Open up your gate (stride) just a bit…have fun and try walking like a super model from the car to your next coffee meeting. Walk like you have a tune in your head. Stay'n Alive by the Bee Gees always worked for me ;). The scene where John Travolta's character is strutting down the street was priceless and a great receptor to lock in. I know these physical movements may be difficult to be cognizant about when you are feeling less than excited. However, if you truly want to break free of the limiting self, you must do what it takes. Go on! Try something new! Besides you will feel great, I promise!

Low self-worth, self-esteem and frustration come from a place that you are not in your true power. You are much more powerful and amazing than you can imagine; Source, the Universe, God, Higher Self, or The Energy, what ever you prefer to call it, is ready to assist you. There is no vengeful God or energy against you, you are not a victim of circumstance. You are the master of all of your experiences. The Law of Attraction is working whether you like the experience or not. You attract what you focus on. The change you want has to start within you first. Be aware of your limitations, face your truth and be mindful of how you carry yourself in your new world of magnificence.

Start Showing Up for your life and Life will start Showing Up for you!


Dwayne H. Klassen

Author's Bio: 

Dwayne H. Klassen is a certified trainer, transformational speaker writer, coach, inventor, and entrepreneur with a passion for ancient wisdom, spirituality, new science and inspiring people "Show Up" in their lives.

Dwayne is also the author of his soon to be released book, "Showing Up- Essentials to living the life you know you must."
Visit Dwayne Klassen's Showing Up Blog.

To book Dwayne as a dynamic and entertaining part off your next event or meeting call: 403.669-1503 or