Your garden at the back may be loaded with tons of eye candy such as the displacements of floral pots, cool-looking benches, vertical gardens, and so on so forth. However, is there really anything unique about the garden itself? Wouldn't you want to have a few things that will help differentiate your garden or backyard from the rest? Anyway, you can make this happen by employing the use of old pallets. Yes, you can create some outstanding decor with the disregarded pallets piled up in your storeroom or your local junkyard.
Let's take a look at a few awesome pallet garden ideas hereinbelow.
1. Cozy Garden Couches
Pallets can be joined together to form a back, sides, and base with the goal of creating an overall look similar to that of a couch. Once you're done with construction, you need to simply add a few comfortable and cozy pillows or basically any old sheets in order to make it soft as well as enjoyable for sitting. This homemade pallet couch can then be placed in your garden and then used when talking with friends while in the garden or for reading purposes.
2. Pallet Screen Planters And Floral Stripes
Not only have these become a bit popular over the past few years, but they also happen to offer fantastic garden pallet ideas. You can position the pallet vertically at the garden's entrance and in the gaps, load it up with planted bottles containing herb plants and small flowers. You can order plants online if you don't have any flowers or if you don't have the time to grow them from scratch yourself. For floral stripes, place a ladder and then on its sides add your recycled pallet slabs giving each some good distance between them. You can then either plant a set of new flowers or place flower pots to fill the gaps.
3. Pallet Coffee Table
You can also take two recycled pallet slabs and then join them together in a way that'll make them come off looking like a table. You can then place this table in your garden and use it to serve your guests food or tea while they're sitting in your garden.
4. Pallet Raised Flower Beds
Pallets can act as superb skeletons for your planter boxes or raised beds. Since they happen to be so versatile, you can have them fit into a plethora of raised bed designs; painted or plain, high or low, decorative or utility. Most choose to line their beds and boxes using durable pool liners alongside a tube for drainage purposes, especially if they intend on growing delicate food and plant crops. The liner placed inside the pallet will prevent rotting of the wood and will also help keep enough moisture in the ground.
Pallets are arguably one of the most disposable items all across the globe. Mainly used to carry loads, they rarely ever last that long and have a considerably short life span. Tons of them are discarded as waste every year. This is quite unfortunate given how they can easily be repurposed in several imaginative ways. Hopefully, this article has helped open your eyes to all the possibility.
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