Auyrveda is an age-old wisdom that helps you with its simple but practical ways to understand and manage your body, mind and soul. Ayurveda also helps you to understand how the food you choose can affect your body and helps you select the foods that are naturally appropriate and beneficial for you.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term, made up by combining two words; ‘ayus’ and ‘veda’, where ‘ayus’ means ‘life’ and ‘veda’ means ‘knowledge or science’. So Ayurveda collectively means ‘science or knowledge of life.’ Ayurveda; the oldest form of healthcare in the world was originated in India. It is a branch of medicine which uses the innate and deep-rooted principles of nature to keep a person healthy by keeping his body, mind and spirit in an absolute stability with the nature.

What are the basic principles of Ayurveda?

Ayurveda believes that universe is made up of five elements viz; air, water, earth, fire and ether and so our human bodies. Therefore, Ayurveda treats every human being as a unique entity and believes that there is no one-size-fit routine and life style for all the human beings. Its principle values are:

The elements of air, water, fire, earth and ether are represented in the human bodies by three bio-energies or three doshas viz; Vata, Pitta and Kapha
The accumulation of doshas beyond the desired limits results into the generation of specific diseases
Specific lifestyle and nutritional guidelines can help to balance these doshas and to cure and prevent diseases
Ayurveda gives more prominence to prevention and getting the doshas balanced
What do you mean by ‘Tridosha’ or ‘Theory of Bio-energies’?

According to Ayurveda, ‘dosha’ or ‘dosa’ is one of the three bodily humors that make up our physical and emotional constitution. ‘Dosha’ is like your body ‘password’ and once you understand your unique ‘password’, you can learn to keep your body healthy and balanced. In other words, ‘dosha’ affects your physical, emotional and spiritual health.

What are the three different types of ‘Doshas”?

The three doshas are:


Vata Dosha: This bio-energy controls and manages the bodily functions pertaining to motion like; blood circulation, breathing, blinking and heart beat.
Pitta Dosha: This dosha type or bio-energy regulates your metabolic functions like; digestion, absorption, nutrition and body temperature.
Kapha Dosha: This bio-energy controls the growth of the body. It provides water to your body parts, moisturises your skin and streamlines your immune system.
Generally, each person has all the three doshas but only one or two dominate. The varying proportions of doshas determine the physiological and personality traits of an individual.

What are the characteristics of Vata Dosha?

The literal meaning of Vata is ‘wind’. It is a subtle type of dosha and gets imbalanced easily. Vata dominating people often suffer from nutrients’ depletion. Such people are usually tall, fast walkers, and talk quickly. These people are imaginative, creative and quick learners but have tendency towards forgetting things easily. They generally feel uncomfortable in cold climate and act on impulse.

Vata imbalance can cause problems like:

Irregular schedule and appetite
Gas, Bloating and Constipation
Dry skin and dry hair
Nervous system disorders
Colon Disorders
Racing and disjointed thoughts
Treatments suggested treating Vata imbalance:

Should have a well-organised eating and sleeping schedule
Should keep themselves warm, comfortable and well- hydrated
Should avoid raw food and too much cleansing
Should keep their colon clean
Should avoid foods that are cold, dry, light, bitter, clearing and astringent
Vata pacifying Herbs include:

Ashwagandha, Haritaki, Ginger, Ghee, Dashamoola and Licorice root

Vata types should go for moderate exercises including; meditative yoga, Tai-Chi walking and swimming.

What are the characteristics of Pitta Dosha?

Pitta dominating people are sharp and intelligent. They have bright and colourful eyes and rosy cheeks. Such people dream in color. These people have medium physique but are strong and well-built. Sun or hot weather makes them uncomfortable as they perspire a lot. They have good management skills and are good orators and leaders.

Pitta imbalance can cause problems including:

Ulcers or Acid Reflux
Hair Loss
Body Odor
Frequent bruising and bleeding
Sensitivity to light
High Blood Pressure
Inflammation of the skin or sharp pain
Temper tantrums, impatience and anger
Boils, acne and skin cancer
Dry or Burning eyes
Treatments suggested to treat Pitta imbalance include:

Should go to bed before 10 p.m.
Should increase the quantity of bitter, astringent or sweet taste in the food
Should avoid heat, intensity and overexertion
Should take breaks between mental activities
Should avoid conflicts and develop the values like; generosity, kindness and self-control
Should take lots of salads with dark greens including; dandelions, kale and arugula
Should take fruits and vegetables that are sweet and contain water like; mangoes, cucumber, cherries and avocado
Should avoid foods that are hot, liquid, pungent, oily, salty and sour
Pitta pacifying Herbs include:

Alfalfa, Aloe Vera, Barley, Cumin, Coriander, Coconut butter and Amalaki

It is important for Pitta types to avoid alcohol, tobacco, over-exposure to direct sunlight and over-working.

What are the characteristics of Kapha Dosha?

Kapha is a relaxed and stable dosha. Kapha dominating people are great home makers as they are calm, steady, loving, loyal and supportive. Such people are heavier and physically strong and sturdy. They usually have a slow speech but a deliberate thought process. These people are slow learners and tend towards being over-weight. They have soft hair and skin and have large soft eyes and sweet soft voice.

When imbalanced, Kapha can cause problems like:

Lack of motivation, boredom and fatigue
Food cravings
Over-weight, diabetes and edema
High Cholesterol and Blood Pressure
Congestion, Colds and Hay fever
Sluggish Digestion
Respiratory problems like; asthma and allergies
Atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries)
Treatments suggested to treat Kapha imbalance include:

Should wake up early and exercise
Should try to avoid meat, wheat and dairy products after sunset
Should avoid foods that are salty, sweet, fatty and fried
Should avoid foods that are cold, gooey, liquid, heavy and sour
Should take foods that are light and warm
Should try to become receptive to life-enhancing and useful changes
Pacifying Herbs to treat Kapha imbalance include:

Dried ginger, Lemon, Black Pepper, Cumin, Chili, Bitter dark greens, Ajwain, Allspice, Amaranth and Basil

How should you determine your ‘Dosha’ type?

The best way to determine your ‘dosha’ is to consult an eminent Ayurveda practitioner. It is important to take the advice of an Ayurveda practitioner because the body constitution changes with the age, seasons and life situations, so it is difficult for you to determine your ‘dosha’ type yourself. Or you can choose the books and questionnaires on the Ayurveda websites that are thorough and detailed. Only the detailed questionnaires can determine your body constitution appropriately because the shorter ones give the generalized and approximate results only. You can also take Apurva Ayurveda Healing Online Dosha Test. And when you become familiar with your ‘dosha’ type, act accordingly.

To know and experience the benefits that Ayurveda offers and to know yourself as you actually are or your real ‘prakriti’ (constitution) through Ayurveda, Contact Apurva Ayurveda Healing. We will make you listen your body wake-up call and help to cure your current imbalance and make you the most energized and vibrant self.

Author's Bio: 

Apurva Ayurveda Healing Center has various experienced practitioners on staff and as collaborators from different professional and cultural backgrounds. But we all have one thing in common: eash of us believes in the long term rewards of a healthy lifestyle, and we are very much committed to offering our clients the tools and the support needed to live a life of balance and wellness.