The word alopecia refers to any type of hair loss in any region of the body where hair grows; it can be thinning hair or baldness. Hair loss, as experts say, is a normal process of aging and is not considered a disease because it is not life-threatening and sometimes other forms of alopecia can just correct or heal itself like the loss that is caused by stress or commonly known as “telogen effluvium”.

Another form of hair loss is alopecia areata. This means “hair loss in areas” and is an autoimmune deficiency that can usually occur in women and children. There are several forms of alopecia and the most prevalent type that can be observed in both men and women is androgenic alopecia (male and female pattern baldness). The onset of androgenic alopecia is typically thinning of the hair, particularly at the temples and on the crown area. Over time, hair thins progressively and thus shows precise patterns which are the receding hairline or the horseshoe shape seen at the front and the conspicuous bald spot at the top of the head.

Hairs on these areas are genetically susceptible to a hormone dihydrotestosterone or DHT. This hormone is a by-product of the male hormone testosterone converted with the interaction of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. DHT causes thinning hair predominantly at the top, and hairs on the sides and back remain unaffected as the follicles are resistant to balding; these hair follicles continue to thrive and grow healthy thick hair because they are resistant to the damaging effects of DHT.

Treatments for androgenic alopecia may vary. Rich people opt to undergo a hair transplant surgery to see fast results, though this certain type of intricate surgery is only for people—most especially men—who have lost a huge amount of hair that can no longer be restored with topical solutions containing hair regrowth ingredients. This is why early detection and prevention of hair loss is quite imperative in order to avoid expensive hair transplant surgeries. A drug used to cure baldness in men only is finasteride.

This works in preventing the hormone testosterone converting to the hormone DHT which causes hair follicles to shrink. It is believed to efficiently stop further baldness and promote hair regrowth. The effects of finasteride are not evident for at least four months. About 1 in every 10 men who take finasteride experiences a loss of libido or is having a decreased sex drive. Serums on the other hand are generally used by majority as these are proven to stop thinning hair or pattern baldness and regrow the lost hair.

Hair restoration experts encourage the afflicted people to use products consisting of natural or herbal ingredients like the saw palmetto extracts. This ingredient works like the finasteride drug does but without any sexual side effects. Saw palmetto obstructs the formation of DHT in the scalp and stimulates hair regrowth as well. The extracts of saw palmetto are in fact utilized in well-known hair loss products like Leimo as their main and active ingredient in battling androgenic alopecia in both genders.

Leimo is an all-organic-based treatment that is basically using the power of nature to accurately end baldness. Leimo’s serums are especially designed with saw palmetto extracts that works best with their laser device which improves hair thinning by supplying low level laser therapy, making it a thicker, stronger and healthier hair. For more details, please check out Leimo Thinning Hair Treatment.

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