So, just because you grew up to be an adult, you thought you know everything you got to know? Well, think again—that’s why we always have to relive the child in us every now and then. Research has found out that 42% of the college graduates never bothered to read another book anymore right after college.

Don’t be like them—remember, learning never stops when you start graduating. Be curious—it’s worth it. We’ve heard of the adage, “curiosity killed the cat”, but for the eager, adventurous and the daring, well, it may certainly skilled them. The road to an exciting life is waiting if only you know how to be curious again—just like when you were in your childhood days.

So, just because you grew up to be an adult, you thought you know everything you got to know? Well, think again—that’s why we always have to relive the child in us every now and then. Research has found out that 42% of the college graduates never bothered to read another book anymore right after college.

Don’t be like them—remember, learning never stops when you start graduating. Be curious—it’s worth it. We’ve heard of the adage, “curiosity killed the cat”, but for the eager, adventurous and the daring, well, it may certainly skilled them. The road to an exciting life is waiting if only you know how to be curious again—just like when you were in your childhood days.

And try to experiment with different stuff, for a change. If you’re a loyal follower of action movies, why not try watching foreign films for once? Who knows—you may come to love it and enjoy it more. For curiosity’s sake, it’s time to break barriers--life can be exciting with all its eclectic variety.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article, Amy Twain, is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently published a new home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem. Click here to get more info about her Quick-Action Plan for A More Confident You.