“35% of my income.”

“I should be doing more actually.”

“I won’t stop until everyone is fed.”

Those are the words of Beannul Harper, who founded I’M ALL IN, a non-profit organization dedicated to feeding hungry students in Los Angeles.

“It wasn’t always like this,” says Harper.

“Sometimes it’s hard to find your passion when there’s a lot going on in your life,” says Harper.

“I’ve experienced a lot of adversity and it took me some time to find my calling, but once I did, I moved in that direction and never stopped.”

Beannul Harper now works multiple jobs that he’s passionate about.

He works over 70 hours a week, splitting his time between his non-profit, family and other work duties.

He’s had years of business experience, but still says it takes a lot of work to run a non-profit and he often finds himself burned out.

“Launching a non-profit is like preparing a rocketship to go into space,” says Harper/

“I always use this analogy because I want people to understand the sheer amount of perseverance, willpower and effort it takes to make something like this successful.”

“It’s fuel, a lot of fuel,” says Harper.

So what gives Harper the willpower to keep pushing and making progress in his personal, business and philanthropic life?

“There are hungry people out there and I know we can make a difference, so how can I stop?”

Harper says his eight children are also his inspiration.

He’s a family man and he believes in being a good role model for his children.

“I hope one day they’ll be proud of me.”

If you want to learn more about Beannul Harper and I’M ALL IN, you can visit his website at: www.imalln.org

Author's Bio: 

Hello fellas!

This is Faraz Shamsi , i love to write all the time.
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