Several industry experts who possess their expertise in workplace management

Actively advocates for customized leadership skill approach, In which the person in charge of leading a group or a team should adjust his/her management style to motivate each and individual of the group
Some other experts suggest that handling a group of people should be done by a generational assemblage method.

But as per the industry related studies, the most effective method is much simpler: and that is managing team/group members as per their level of motivation.

Here is a real-time example. Every team/ group has superstars. These are those group/team members who consistently go above and beyond and without being asked. These superstars are always ready for the next challenge.

If a specific task or challenge gets assigned to them, the outcome is usually an outstanding job. These are the superstars of the so-called "high performing" asset of a team/group.

So as a leader, the best way to exercise leadership skills is by identifying such supper stars and manage them as per their level of motivation.

Recognizing and understanding motivation levels:

Another effective way to exercise the management approach using leadership skills is by identifying the level of Competence and Confidence of every individual who is part of the group/team. Always remember high performers and bottom performers require different things, support, challenges, and even encouragement.
"If a leader only focuses on the motivational levels of his/her top performers, then the probability of bottom performers getting frustrated is very high, and it is the same way around.

High Competence is equal to higher Confidence:

It is incredibly essential for the leader to know about the perfect sweet spot of positive energy and the flow of every team member. It will help the leader in identifying the team members with Higher competence and confidence levels.

An employee with higher Competence but low Confidence needs encouragement, whereas the employee with high Confidence but lower Competence needs support.

Management of high performers:

Leaders may occasionally overlook additional top performers because they don't need the same level of consideration that a lower performer does. Even though high performers are often self-motivated, Team managers/ Leaders should endure working with these team/group members. They should ensure to set goals that are measurable and also offer positive feedback.

"Leaders should understand the need to step back and understand the following"

 What motivates high performers?
 What motivates bottom performers?
 What demotivates High Performers?
 What demotivates bottom performers?

Then provide sufficient opportunities for the team/ group members and to grow in their careers. (Consider this as another adequate opportunity to test leadership skills)

Management of low performers:

Managers usually use a frustrated and agitated approach while dealing with their lower performers. This approach only further intensifies the frustration level of the bottom performer, and it also increases the likelihood of him/her performing poorly.
With low performers, the most empathetic thing a leader can do is throw light on the gap between their expectations and the current reality and offer them the necessary support by sharing out a plan of success.
These tips will undoubtedly assist in enhancing leadership skills and will bring out a better leader out of you.

Author's Bio: 

Skillizen Olympiad Foundation in Singapore and the launch of International Life Skills Olympiad(ILSO), the world's 1st online olympiad on life skills. In the very first edition of ILSO, Young children from grade III-XII participated in large numbers from 2000+ schools spread over 61 countries across the world.