There is no denying that a strong landscape lighting design is the ultimate combination of form and function. When you hire a qualified contractor or design firm to install professional outdoor lighting, you're doing a lot more than just adding some pretty lights - you're investing in your property. The benefits of a well-executed landscape lighting design are really great.

Get noticed

Gone are the days when a light bulb hung outside the window was the norm. Today's exterior lights create a strong visual presence. Spectacular ceiling light or illuminated water fountains add a "pop" touch to your property. For a look that's completely your own, you can talk to an Austin Landscaping lighting designer about custom creations.

Be safe

In addition to keeping your home safe from thieves or mischief-makers, today's garden lighting designs can keep it upright in the dark. Lighted hallways, pathways, and walls can keep you from getting hurt when you're outside at night. They can also add some dimension to your backyard at night, creating an inviting space for intimate gatherings or a safer way to take a dip in the pool.

Be different

A custom exterior lighting plan can showcase your home in beautiful yet subtle ways. And a professional outdoor lighting specialist can create light designs that accentuate the most beautiful or unique elements in your home. Design architects work with your existing landscape to ensure your lights add to your home, not detract from it. 

Be green

With the introduction of low wattage lights comes the opportunity to keep your home well lit without going broke. You can also consider using solar lights to keep costs to a minimum.

Professional outdoor lighting helps entrepreneurs

Residential neighborhoods aren't the only areas that benefit from professional exterior lighting design. Research shows that businesses that keep their property illuminated at night also help their community: 

More money: Local consumers value companies with professional gardens more. A landscape lighting designer creates designs that make your business more attractive in dim lighting. If you have a business that opens in the last hours, that means an increase in profits.

More professional: Companies that implement a landscaping lighting design in their existing décor are often considered more professional and successful. Professional landscaping indicates that you care about the property you own or rent, which implies that you care about your image. Companies that care about their image are seen better, no pun intended than competitors who ignore their motives.

More interesting: Buyers will stop to admire a business's custom exterior lighting just as they would a homeowner's. They are more likely to tell other people about your design, which will generate business for you through word of mouth.

A strong landscape lighting design can do wonders for a home or business. Professional landscaping increases the value of a property, and a well-designed lighting plan adds to that value. It also looks more organic than most DIY kits you can buy at home improvement stores. Hiring a fully licensed design contractor or company also gives you access to ideas and materials that you may not have thought of before, opening up a world of possibilities. In the end, you can't go wrong with a professional outdoor lighting design.

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