For a long time I have seen how Instagram is the social network that is gaining more weight and is the preferred one among young people. It is not surprising that brands, despite carrying out transversal actions in their social networks, dedicate more efforts to Instagram. In this post we will analyze why this happens and we will also see Instagram marketing strategy examples of brands that are a benchmark in their Instagram management. Read on if you want these brands to inspire you!

Why is Instagram the preferred social network for brands?

In the first place, the reason why all companies want to be present on Instagram is that is the network that does not stop growing and it is also the one in which users interact the most and in which they spend more and more time. In this sense, both the platform itself and the brands are aligned since, on the one hand, the platform is interested in users spending as much time as possible on its network. On the other hand, brands know that if they are not present on Instagram, they will not achieve the notoriety they seek.

As a second reason, we find the content that is currently being the most popular on Instagram: ephemeral content and videos. Even though at the video level, the platform that is most native to this is YouTube, Instagram is ahead of it at the level of video use. Therefore, we observe how brands choose to use Stories for their content and advertising campaigns, as well as Instagram Highlights. Also since Instagram has IGTV we see another argument by which brands bet more on this channel compared to other social networks.

Finally, another very relevant aspect that helps brands is the use of hashtags. For this reason, they also opt for Instagram and the data shows this: 7 out of 10 hashtags used on Instagram correspond to brands. Through these elements, users can organize and categorize content and posts.

Oscar de la Renta

The haute couture brand, Oscar de la Renta, employs its vice president of communication, Erika Bearman, as the one in charge of uploading photos to its Instagram profile. Oscar de la Renta is a company that uses Instagram for the marketing of big brands in a personal way since it is Bearman's personal photographs that offer the best result for the audience .

Oscar de la Renta uploads photos from the backstage of his shows, as well as images from the life of Bearman, who has become the true protagonist of the Instagram account.

Charity: water

This NGO, dedicated to bringing drinking, clean and safe water to various parts of the planet. His Instagram account is dedicated to uploading photos of his volunteer photographers . These are simple, lively and positive photographs of people in close and everyday situations.

They are images of examples of lives changed thanks to their work . Its objective is to tell stories, close, simple, positive and that contribute the idea of ​​overcoming barriers and a better future.


The world's best-known coffee shop company employs reputable photographers to take photos of all kinds of Starbucks products and services (cafes, tables, chairs, waiters…). They show their premises, the way to choose flavors, etc.

Among the Instagram companies for marketing of big brands, Starbucks, is a company that encourages coffee lovers to share their photos, appearing on the official Starbucks account .

Fifa World Cup

The official account of the 2014 Soccer World Cup, held in Brazil, is an account that was dedicated to uploading photos of the soccer world cup. It is an account that offered the possibility of sharing the experience of the attendees and spectators of the 2014 Soccer World Cup. In addition to uploading the official photographs, we must add the hashtag #myworldcup , which was dedicated to grouping the photos that the fans went up during tournament days. It was a way of uniting the soccer fans who came to Brazil to live their passion for soccer.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is a curious case of marketing of big brands on Instagram. The museum offers the possibility of entering the center to great photographers with numerous followers on the social network outside of visiting hours . The only condition is to mark the photographs with the hashtag #emptymet and link to the @metmuseum account , so that the photographs appear on the museum's main Instagram account.

The strategy works because everyone loves being in photos. The strategy is attractive, in the same way as the film Night at the museum. The Met also provides the possibility of promoting the photographer and the museum at the same time.


This is a very good example of a social campaign through Instagram in which it manages to gather more than 3.5 million followers. It is really not just an account focused on children, but the brand makes constant nods to current affairs as well as elements of pop culture. Under the proposition that everything with Lego can be surprising, the brand generates very varied content to entertain its followers (curious elements, recommendations on how to use Lego pieces for fun ways to decorate, short videos with well-known characters, etc.) . A very good combination that makes your followers grow exponentially.


here we see another brand that also performs a very good strategy at the Instagram level, since due to its mission, this social network fits it perfectly. Shiseido's mission is to share art, science, and beauty with the world. Their products are defined by this DNA and it is also breathed in their Instagram account. We see a set of artistic photos, aesthetically very harmonious and in which their products do not always appear. Another curious aspect is that if we look at the Shiseido feed we will see an original way to publish the photos that, on several occasions, act as a puzzle.


Nike is among the most successful brands who have mastered the art of Instagram marketing strategy. This brand is a benchmark for some creative campaigns in which they link their personalized NikeID product together with Instagram. Through the website that they have created for this, users can select their preferred photo and thus be able to personalize their shoes in this way. Also note that the focus of this campaign also seeks to generate virality since consumers, once they have their personalized shoes, share them on social networks.


According to Dedi Ariko, a digital marketing strategy expert at Tribble Agency, Instagram is currently one of the most effective media.

Instagram has the highest average engagement rate of all social channels at the moment. Even able to beat the prestige of Facebook and Twitter. Viewers on Instagram are more open to branded content than on other platforms.

"So, if you want to reach a potential market, then Instagram is worth considering," said Dedi.

Author's Bio: 

I am author at selfgrowth