Mobile phones are omnipresent. Today, smartphones have become as much a regular part of our daily lives as the other essential product. Smartphones, specifically Android OS smartphones are a rave all over the world. From simplistic to the most expensively priced ones, you can choose from a wide range of impressive selection before buying your latest Android phone.

Mobile phone theft has unfortunately become increasingly common with the growing popularity of the smartphone. The immense demand for getting otherwise expensive smartphones at a cheaper rate (despite it being a used phone) has put almost every smartphone at risk of being stolen.

Fortunately, technology is focused on not only improving the efficiency of use of products but also ensuring optimal security and safety measures into them as well. Today, most branded smartphones come with a built-in tracking system that helps to pinpoint the location of your Android-powered smartphone or tablet quite successfully. However, at times you might require additional tracker apps to be installed on your smartphone to prevent loss from theft.

Android tracker apps are not only useful in helping to pinpoint the location of your lost smartphone but tracker apps for Android also help you to locate important locations and destinations that you may need anywhere outdoors. Hence, tracker apps have today become an immensely popular way for navigation in new places as well. Tourists, businessmen, and travelers benefit greatly from reliable and popular Android tracker apps.

Our tech experts got together and drummed out this list of the best tracker apps for Android smartphones for 2019.

7 Best Tracking Apps for Android Phones in 2019

Here’s a list of the top popular and reliable mobile tracking apps that are designed for use with Android smartphones and tablets:

Google Maps

Highlights –

  • Easy to use interface for faster tracking
  • Special features help to discover the best locations around
  • Top tourist spots and eateries highlighted according to your location
  • Helps to navigate new place like you’ve lived there your whole life
  • Displays genuine reviews and rating for tourist spots or hotels and restaurants
  • Offline maps available so you can navigate when there is no internet connection too

Google Maps tops the list of best tracker apps for Android for many reasons. Besides being a genuine Google product, the varied features are immensely helpful with relevant details about sites and locations in new cities. You can even locate your lost or stolen smartphone by simply logging on to your Google account and searching for the present location of your device.


Highlights –

  • Constantly updates location in real-time
  • Easy GUI for efficient monitoring and locating
  • Separate dashboard for web-based work
  • Swiftly access crucial location data on your phone
  • Detailed destination history
  • Compatible with all Android versions
  • Customizable for even more efficiency of use

Spyzie is one of the more popular and reliable tracker apps for Android phones in 2019. It is a sophisticated Android app filled with simple and advanced features. It lets you access vital information about the targeted device’s location quickly. It is easy to install and use. Its real-time updates give detailed information of the targeted device which includes photos, notes and even browser history among other functions.

3 Life 360

Highlights –

  • Create multiple groups and circles
  • Easy location sharing among circle or group
  • Share check-in requests from users quickly
  • Invite-Only type app ensures the best privacy
  • Private and Emergency group messages
  • Systematic logs and info about the location

Life 360 is one of the best tracker apps for families that use Android phones. It comes with a range of advanced features but is immensely easy to use. Users can efficiently add groups or circles for family, relations, and friends to detect their presence and past locations with a single tap. It even comes equipped with a feature to sense an imminent car crash, transmit an emergency message by analyzing your driving.


Highlights –

  • Works offline efficiently
  • Turn-wise voice-guided navigation
  • Numerous alternate routes planned for destination
  • A vocal street name identification system
  • Speed sensor for enhanced safety while driving
  • Live traffic updates to minimize/remove delays in reaching destinations
  • Shows available parking spaces at the destination and suggests the best price

Sygic is another of the best tracker apps for Android smartphones in 2019. It has over 50 million downloads so far which attests to its popularity and reliability. It comes equipped with numerous advanced features, including TomTom Maps and the ability to use in offline mode (without internet connection). This is only for the free version as the paid version has even more impressive features.


Highlights –

  • Most frequently updated maps
  • The biggest community-driven navigation system
  • Live global community support
  • Turn-wise voice-guided navigation
  • Automatically suggests alternate route in case of bad road conditions
  • Report hazards, roadblocks, accidents, etc with a single click

Waze is the world’s largest community-based navigation app. Apart from offering the conventional spoken navigation features it also informs you of the nearest hotels, motels, and gas stations on the way to your destination.


Highlights –

  • Assists in creating the fastest route quickly
  • Constant update for distance to destination and ETA for frequent routes
  • Multi-language navigation features
  • Speed limit and a lane-guiding sensor for safe driving
  • Avoids traffic by suggesting the shortest and clearest alternate route to the destination

Be-On-Road is another incredible Android tracker app. It is designed for travelers to help them reach their destinations faster but safer. The free tracker app comes with impressive features to enjoy even your daily commute to work and home.


Highlights –

  • Quick navigation with an easy-to-user interface
  • Advanced but efficient to use features
  • Automatic alternate route suggestion to avoid traffic
  • Local weather updated regularly
  • Turn-wise voice-guided navigation
  • Order food online or book reservations at restaurants easily
  • On-Demand road assistance available

MapQuest has become another best tracker app for Android in 2019. Thanks to the vast array of features packed into a simple user interface, the tracker app not only helps with navigating and locating it also helps you to book reservations at your local or new restaurant and even order food online on your way home from work.

Author's Bio: 

Ramanujan writes on Tech and gadgets that can help you improve your lifestyle.