Kimberly E. Stone, Founder of POSHGLAM is a BIPOC plus-sized model. When Kimberly was a size 4, the industry celebrated her size and standards defined her, which made her more confident. Stone was accepted as the optimal size and not questioned, taken for being the way models were supposed to be. A size 12 is more questionable and more likely to be criticized. She believes the current industry is full of diversity and everyone has a voice, with people becoming more inclusive and willing to share views freely through social media and interactive platforms.

Kimberly was called "ethnic" early on in her career, and now BIPOC is a whole new category with "textured" hair and a face "of color". With past experience in makeup artistry and sewing since 4 years old, Kimberly has genuine insight on any timely fashion and beauty topics you are currently working on.

Kimberly gives advice to girls entering the modeling and fashion industry and says, "Carve your own niche. If you have a particular idea or preference about the industry, go with it. Tap into platforms that celebrate your originality. Form a social club or group around your particular interest and market it. There are plenty of people with common interests in the fashion industry. It's all about reaching out to them. Eat complex carbs, drink plenty of water, detox and stay positive. Don't let your weight define you. There are so many faces of diversity now and beauty comes in many shapes, sizes and variations."

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More About Kimberly E. Stone

Kimberly took to entrepreneurship at a young age after being encouraged by her family to start something of her own. She has always had a dream of starting a fashion venture and developed POSHGLAM in college. Kimberly is a hands-on entrepreneur. Most of her time is spent exploring new opportunities for the POSHGLAM brand, and having fun with her friends.