Connection - Something that links, an association, a relationship

Contact - The coming together of two surfaces


As you attempt to build your network of people, a contact represents a collection of business cards of people you'll never know, a connection, however, has to do with getting to know each person in your network and being connected through some "heart-felt energy"

Key Point

Contact: becoming aware of, aquiring knowledge of, "hand and head learning" Connection: exchanging energy, "hand-head and heart learning", investment.


When you achieve this connection, your network is comprised only of people who will make an investment in you and will always be your advocate.

Author's Bio: 

This piece was originally submitted by Howard Block, Coach, who can be reached at Howard Block wants you to know: I
am Vice President for a regional Wholesale Lumber Co. transitioning into Coaching. My
success has much to do with building a community of heart-felt connections vs. piles of
paper contacts. The original source is: inspiration. Copyright 1997, 98, 99, Coach

This content my be forwarded in full, with copyright/contact/creation information intact,
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