Testosterone is natural, and boosting your levels is something you can do naturally with lifestyle and dietary changes. Our clinic can help you implement these changes, as well as evaluate your overall testosterone health and whether testosterone replacement therapy is right for you.
Testosterone is the main male sex hormone. Women have it also, although in much smaller levels. Improved sex-drive, better energy and mood and lowered risk of bone loss are only some of the benefits of increasing low T-levels. Boosting your testosterone levels naturally is best done by combining as many of the following lifestyle and dietary changes as possible.
If you are overweight, loose some pounds. A leaner body results in higher production of testosterone. One way of losing weight is reducing carbohydrates and alcohol, and it turns out that lower carbs and little or no alcohol also boost testosterone production in both men and women. If you have significant weight problems, working with a doctor can determine how weight and testosterone levels are interacting for you.
Boosting testosterone naturally also involves getting enough sleep. Seven to eight hours a night is a minimum for most people. One study found that men who regularly got five hours or less of sleep a night had up to a 15 percent drop in testosterone than men who got a full night of rest. So, don’t skimp on the beauty rest, if you want keep your manly energies at top performance.
A healthy diet is also essential for naturally boosting testosterone. Besides reducing carbohydrates and alcohol, eating healthier fats, like those contained in olives, nuts, avocados, fatty fish and lean red meats, supplies the body with building blocks it needs for producing testosterone. Vegetables in the cruciferous family –broccoli, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, and turnip greens among them – contain chemicals that also boost natural production of this sex hormone. Foods high in vitamins C, E, zinc and the amino acid L-arginine are also helpful for raising testosterone naturally.
Some products in the environment contain synthetic chemicals called xeno-estrogen, and these lower natural production of testosterone. Plastic water bottles and ingredients in some toothpastes and cosmetics can contain these compounds. Our staff can provide you with a comprehensive list of estrogenic compounds in the environment to avoid for healthy testosterone levels.
One of the most exciting tips for naturally boosting your testosterone levels is having more sex. If you have low-T to start with, this might be a chicken and egg kind of problem. It is true, however, that the more sex you have, the higher your testosterone levels are likely to be. Our doctors can help you find a way of jump starting your sex life which will increase your natural production at the same time.
Stress is another lifestyle issue that directly impacts natural sex hormone production. Lowering stress by getting more exercise, adequate sleep and eating properly not only increases testosterone but lowers your chances of getting many serious diseases, from cancer to stroke to heart disease.
When you work with specialists at our clinic, we will help you find just the right balance of methods for restoring healthy testosterone levels and vitality to your life



Author's Bio: 

Lisa Jersy