Sinusitis is now one of the most common health conditions in the United States, affecting almost 40 million Americans every year. A sinus infection is not life-threatening, but has a very significant impact on a person’s quality of living. It is also found that sinusitis is one of the major causes of absenteeism from work. In addition, a big chunk of medical heath bills is also attributed to sinusitis alone.

Many individuals experience chronic sinusitis, a condition that exhibits prolonged symptoms such as headache, cough, congestion, facial pain and pressure, fever and malaise. 20 to 25% of patients who suffer from chronic sinusitis also develop nasal polyps, which are fleshy and watery growths in the linings of the nose and sinuses.

In the course of time, health professionals have researched and developed technological treatments (aside from oral medication) to address sinus infection problems. The old-fashioned hot steam inhalation method has now evolved into nebulizers and atomizers of different shapes and sizes. Nebulizers are devices used to administer medication to be inhaled into the lungs. However, with the many types of nebulizer devices available in the market today, it is hard to choose the correct one especially if it costs a lot of money. If you have tried several sinusitis treatments before but was unsuccessful, you should take a careful look, and do your own information research before getting your next treatment.

Here are some reasons why your sinus treatment can be a failure:

Your treatment device is hard to use. Large, bulky and stationary, old technology treatment methods are a thing of the past. Inefficient treatments just waste your time and money.

Relief is temporary. A lot of sinus medication only promises quick and instant relief but don’t give you lasting results.

The infection keeps on coming back. The sinus treatment you are using is not directly targeting your sinus infection. Enough with the hit and miss attitude.

You feel drowsy every time you use it. These are the side effects of medication such as inability to concentrate, lightheadedness.

To date, nebulized sinus therapy is the leading treatment choice of chronic and acute sinusitis patients. Nebulized sinus therapy is the most advanced, technological sinus treatment you could have nowadays. Out with the old, in with the new. Doctors and patients attest to the effectiveness of nebulized sinus therapy. Nebulized sinus therapy uses a compact nebulizer that is lightweight and easy to carry anywhere you go. Doctor-prescribed liquid medication (antibiotic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory) is pumped into tiny micron particle mist for inhalation by the patient. As in the case of a bacterial sinus infection, bacteria present in the nose are quickly killed by the medication since the small particles enter the sinus region easily. Treatment time is fast, around 3 to 5 minutes. And since nebulized sinus therapy is a topical treatment, side effects are greatly reduced to a minimum or none at all. Even patients who have suffered chronic sinusitis for 20 years are amazed at the results of nebulized sinus therapy.

Nebulized sinus therapy gets rid of your sinus symptoms for real. Achieving complete sinus health gives your life, energy and health back to you. Ask your doctor about nebulized sinus therapy or call your sinus compounding pharmacy today.

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