Beyond the knowledge of business and it's complexities - way beyond the expertise of advertising gurus and marketing mavens, there is a place where the seeds of success germinate. Find this place and success and real happiness will be yours.

Why do I say it's hard to find a rich hermit? Because outstanding success requires the focused hands and minds and hearts or others. We call it teamwork.

TEAMWORK is the element that lets common people achieve uncommon results. Putting a team together to achieve an uncommon objective requires three elements.

1. DEVELOP THE LANGUAGE OF PERSUASION. The words tones and actions that attract others to you and your ideas. Learn how to WOW your audience. Develop verbal words and phrases that KNOCK THEIR SOX OFF.

2. A TEAM EFFORT IS NOT A POWER STRUGGLE. Therefore the words you use in conversation must not alienate those who could be your best asset. The words you chose to describe other people say a lot about you as an individual. personal goals and objectives reflect your inner attitudes and your character. Chose them with care.

3. SAY IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME is the best rule to remember as you approach a conversation, confrontation or a sales opportunity. You will seldom get a chance to change bad feelings you've created by poorly chosen words, phrases or expressions.

Author's Bio: 

Oscar Bruce is known as the ultimate personal communications guru. His web site offers free verbal strategies for adding power to your verbal skills. His dynamic publications are considered the field manuals for handling difficult situations & getting what you want. He can be reached at AC 512-715-0157 or