When you’re too busy, it has a negative impact on all facets of your life. Those of us in the entrepreneurial world have a tendency to think about the negative aspects of busyness in terms of how it makes running our businesses harder. If we expand our perspective of the problem, it becomes readily apparent that much, much more is really at stake.

If you’re like me, you love your business. You’ve found your passion and you relish the opportunity to spend time with it. You may not enjoy every aspect of running your small business, but you do love it on a fundamental level. You probably feel strongly about the business itself and enjoy the challenge of reaching your objectives.

That being said, your business isn’t the whole of your life. It’s only one part of what makes your life worth living. In fact, in many cases, the business is actually a means to an end–you value your success in the business world based on the way it makes those more important aspects of your life better.

Busyness short-circuits that means/end connection. When we’re spending our time and energies on the business to the point of excess, it invariably trades off with those other priorities. Building your business isn’t particularly meaningful if those trade offs are becoming too pronounced. Busyness forces undesirable trade offs, destroying the quality of our lives.

Most of us consider our families a priority. Our businesses exist as a way to aid our families and to provide them with a great life. How great can that life really be, though, if we’re spending our time trapped on a high-speed business treadmill instead of spending our time and lending our complete presence to our family?

It happens all of the time. People plagued with busyness spend day after day neglecting their families in one way or another in pursuit of business objectives. That kind of hectic lifestyle has a negative impact on the family! Instead of being there in mind, body and spirit for important events, those suffering under the weight of busyness find themselves absent from family. When they are around, they’re thoughts wander. They’re checking emails. They’re sending text messages. They’re jotting down notes. They’re worrying about their ever-growing list of tasks.

The stress associated with busyness has an immediate negative impact on the busy individual, too. It’s hard to imagine anyone living under constant, seemingly insurmountable pressure having a great quality of life. In fact, there’s an indisputable connection between the stress and anxiety of busyness and poor health. When you’re too busy, you’re hurting yourself.

If you’ve been thinking of fighting busyness in order to improve the functioning and efficiency of your small business, that’s great. However, you can find even more motivation to improve your situation by considering the other negative impacts of an over-crowded lifestyle. Busyness has a negative impact that reaches well beyond your business’ bottom line.

Join us for the New Era Entrepreneru Wealth Mentor training as we discover how to transform Busy-ness into a Profitable Business! Not a member? I’ll waive the $97 enrollment fee so you can grab a free VIP Eavesdrop seat now.

Author's Bio: 

Melanie Benson Strick, known as The Big Idea Catalyst, helps entrepreneurs re-energize their business, focus on the right opportunities, and to expand their impact with proven sustainable growth strategies. Ready to super-charge your business? Get 25 Tips to Re-Energize Your Business in 7 Days or Less at http://tinyurl.com/45j3ars