Finding a quick cure
I found complete relief from acid reflux and stomach ulcers in four days!

Discounting the two years of trying conventional medicine, extreme diets, Ayurveda and Homeopathy. As well as having endoscopies, colonoscopies and CT scans. .

It started with pain behind my left shoulder that made me think there was something wrong with my heart. At night I couldn’t sleep on my side without intense pain just under my rib cage and then after a few months I started to get acid in my throat and mouth that made me feel sick all the time.

Searching for a cure
I spent a small fortune on alternative remedies and nutritionists as well as researching relentlessly on-line.

Sometimes I had days without symptoms and took to keeping a food diary to see if I could work out why. I ate kitchree for months on the advice of an Ayurveda doctor and then moved to the Special Carbohydrate Diet for a few more months. These did help, but I found living on a diet made me miserable; I was constantly hungry and couldn’t socialise.

I did get considerable relief from taking apple cider vinegar, with the mother, and psyllium husk, or slippery elm powder, but after a year of using them I knew I had to get to the root of the pain so that I could lead a normal life.

Simple solutions are best
Then the cabbage-juice cure caught my eye.

Most forums recommend drinking a litre a day. I started with half a Savoy cabbage, with some lemon, ginger and apple to help it go down. By day two I felt considerably better, by day four I had my first full night’s sleep for years. After a week the symptoms were gone. I started to eat normally and even had a glass of wine. I felt elated!

If I stop drinking it for a couple of days the symptoms start to return. It is a bit of a drag having to juice cabbage every day. It doesn’t taste great, but being free of pain is wonderful!

Moving forward
I’m now going to double my dose and sip it throughout the day, as recommended, to see if I can get a complete cure before going away in the summer.

Please pass on this simple cure
I just wish I’d found out about the healing power of cabbage juice years ago – please pass it on if you know anyone with similar symptoms!

Author's Bio: 

Mark is a juicer, smoothie maker and blender enthusiast and maintains a healthy lifestyle.