By learning each of the 13 Commandments of Love you will experience love finding you.


Human beings are trained to become self-sufficient in acquiring the life-sustaining energies in air, food and water. From the bottle, to learning to use a knife and a fork, to eventually getting a job, and their own income so they can buy, cook and eat their own food. We are also taught, unfortunately, to assume that loving energy, which science now has shown to be a much needed life-sustaining energy itself, can only come from other human beings. So....we spend the rest of our lives, ‘malnourished’, waiting for others to give us some love. This new knowledge point to the need for us to learn how to become self-sufficient in giving ourselves the life-sustaining energies in love.

Keep in Mind! Like food and water…Loving Energy is vital for your SUCCESS in every area of life.

Where Do I Start?

People often ask me "How do I love myself?" This information is essential knowledge and extremely important to practice.

My answer is - not by buying yourself neat 'stuff', eating and drinking great food, taking fantastic trips, hot baths with music and candles, a super massage, etc. although there is nothing wrong with doing those things.

The Answer Is Simple-

Fortunately most of you have friends and do a pretty good job at loving them. Much better than loving yourselves. Copy that behavior. We're more patient, accepting, encouraging, appreciative, respectful, etc. with friends than ourselves. Start observing and behave more like your own best friend.

(Men rarely ask, and yet it is even more important for them to know, because they’ve been taught to love themselves even less. "Boys don't cry" is a real killer example.)

Take these small steps...which actually generate a huge shift...and start metamorphosing into the authentic, confident, loving person you always envisioned yourself to be. There is nothing more attractive than that. Then let love find you!

Kudos for taking this step toward love! Now share this with family and friends who're single, so they can love themselves, too.

Is your Relationship Fitness keeping up with your physical fitness?
Missing the mark finding the Love of Your Life?
Better yet, have love find you instead of chasing after it!

If you are interested in attending any of our FREE webinars on love and relationship contact us at

Author's Bio: 

His journey to developing his theories of love and life-span was full. It included teaching mentally challenged children for the NYC Board of Education, going to NYU graduate school to become a Movement Therapist, and founding Creative Aging, Inc. and Impact On Hunger, Inc. both educational, non-profits. It even included becoming a professional actor in musical comedies. After getting married and having a child, he started a design company, which his wife still runs. But his greatest passion was to understand life and people. He became a trained Gestalt Psychotherapist and founded The Human Development Company. For over 20 years he has been working with his theory - The Continuum Theory of Life Span - by giving workshops, hosting radio programs, traveling to major psychotherapy and adult development conferences to present his work. His book for couples is based on his discovering how well couples in his private practice responded to the application of both his theory of love, and his theory of development. Forthcoming books are applications of his ideas to parenting, aging, education, and personal development.