If you suffer from a male yeast infection and are embarking on the Candida diet, it’s important to know the recipes for the two important “drinks” in the diet as well as what foods should be eaten, as well as those which should not. Here is what you need to know to successfully use the Candida diet to rid yourself of unwanted yeast.
Recipes for the Detox Drink and Liver Flush
Detox Drink
8 oz of water
1 tablespoon of fiber (soluble) (removes waste from body)
1 tablespoon of bentonite clay (soaks up toxins)
There are various forms of soluble fiber. Read labels in the drug store in the section where you buy constipation products. Psyllium fiber is a good choice.
Bentonite clay needs to be added to the water and shaken well before drinking. Drink a large glass.
Two large glasses of the detox drink are an important part of the diet. Have a glass when your stomach is empty – either first thing in the morning or an hour before or after a meal.
Liver Flush Drink
8 oz. water
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 clove garlic
1 small piece of fresh ginger.
Blend this all in the blender.
Drink a large glass of the liver flush drink before you go to bed at night.
Good Foods for the Candida Diet
Include the probiotics yogurt and fermented cabbage products such as sauerkraut and Korean kimchi in your Candida diet. Probiotics help to balance your system, eliminate yeast, and restore your immune system.
• Raw vegetables. Raw vegetables keep you healthy but don’t fill your system full of the sugars that yeast need to live and grow. Good raw vegetables to eat include asparagus, avocados, celery, cauliflower, snow peas, broccoli, zucchini, and many more vegetables. Just don’t eat starchy vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas, and corn. Starch turns into sugar in your system.
• Eat herbs and spices. These will make your Candida diet foods taste delicious. Herbs and spices also contain lots of antioxidants and fight against fungus. Good herbs and spices include cinnamon, basil, black pepper, cilantro, rosemary, oregano, and thyme. Use your imagination when using herbs and make the Candida diet taste good, too!
• Use lemon juice. It will make your foods taste good and add lots of vitamin C to your diet.
• Coconut oil fights yeast. Use it to cook with. Olive oil is also a healthy addition to the diet.
If you suffer from a male yeast infection, give the Candida diet a try. It will help eliminate the overgrowth of Candida albicans, or yeast, from your system and it is, generally, a very healthy diet. You should feel much better after you’ve been on the diet a few days and your Candida yeast infection should be much improved. Eating healthy is a pleasant way to eliminate a very annoying yeast infection!

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If you suffer from a Male Yeast Infection, give the Candida diet a try. It will help eliminate the overgrowth of Candida albicans, or yeast, from your system and it is, generally, a very healthy diet. You should feel much better after you’ve been on the diet a few days and your Candida yeast infection should be much improved. Eating healthy is a pleasant way to eliminate a very annoying yeast infection!