As we go continue to fight against pandemic, more people suffer from anxiety and stress of its effect. From losing jobs to losing love ones and suffer the burden of worrying even if we have not yet acquired the dreaded Covid-19. People try to find their own distraction and control the anxiety and stress brought about by the pandemic. It's already hard enough to live with the unseen virus but suffering from our won worries could be detrimental also. Thus, people turn to Cannabis to alleviate their fears, anxiety and unnecessary worrying. But which type of Cannabis should you buy? Before you tap on any online dispensary to buy weed online, let us give you an overview about marijuana or Cannabis.
Cannabis is a plant that produces a substance called cannabinoids, which causes drug-like reaction to the human body. There are about 100 cannabinoids but the CBD or cannabidiol and THC or tetrahydrocannabinol are the most common found in Cannabis.
When sold in the marker, legal hemp must contain 0.3 percent THC or less while CBD comes in different forms such as food, supplement, candies, or gels.
What are the benefits of marijuana?
Some of the commonly testified benefits of Cannabis include a greater peace of mind, reduced unbearable symptoms, calmness, better sleep and more relaxed feeling. On a 2015 review by Trusted Source with about 9,000 participants, 81 percent of them believed that Cannabis could alleviate "anxiety, stress and depression." It was also reported that marijuana helps relieve some symptoms that include: social anxiety, panic disorder, sleep disruptions related to anxiety and phobias.
First Time to Use?
Before searching for mail order cannabis, it would be best to seek advice, especially if you are taking in medicines. Cannabis can reduce the effect of your prescribed medicines or over-the counter medicines, including your vitamins. But however stressed or anxious you are, it would be best to listen to a little advice or even talk about it to a pharmacist to talk about your concerns before trying to use marijuana.
Some tips to consider:
• If you're still trying to learn how to use Cannabis, choose a product that has CBD only or much higher CBD content over THC. Higher level of THC tend to make anxiety symptoms worse.
• Choose the right type and right form of Cannabis and for what purpose are you using it?
• Know about interactions. Again, marijuana can reduce the effectiveness of any medicine you are taking
• In that case, seek the advice of a pharmacist or your doctor to guide you on the proper intake otherwise, Cannabis may not be for you
• Take it easy by beginning with a low dosage and wait for its effect before using or taking in more. Go easy on using with the flowers which is a potent strain
Cannabis has different effect to its users. It does not guarantee that you will be able to achieve exactly what you want, but it will have effect on you somewhat. Enjoying its effect would be the best way to cope up with your stress and anxiety.

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Author's Bio: 

If you're still trying to learn how to use Cannabis, choose a product that has CBD only or much higher CBD content over THC. Higher level of THC tend to make anxiety symptoms worse.