As career opportunities grow online, so do the opportunities for scammers. Safeguard your career with this complete guide to avoiding job scams online.

Are you having trouble finding a job? Are you encountering fake job postings and career scams?

You're not alone. The job market is full of scammers trying to steal from you or sell to you. You may think you've applied to a great job, only to realize it's not real.

Being on the hunt for a new job is stressful enough. You shouldn't have to also worry about protecting your banking info or your time.

If you're sick of this happening, keep reading. Here's how to spot online job scams and what to do next.

Weird Wording

Notice the wording of the job posting. In a real and professional job posting, the spelling and grammar should be perfect. Many companies pay professionals to write their postings. At the very least, their HR team will know how to write a flawless posting.

If you notice lots of spelling mistakes and grammar errors, those are warning signs. They may also capitalize words that don't need to be. Or, use exclamation points unprofessionally.

Also look at the content of the posting. There should be lots of detail and clear expectations for the role. It should be clear what the job position is and what the duties are.

Keep an eye out for vagueness, spelling mistakes, and poor grammar. Poorly written job postings are common in career scams.

Too Good to Be True?

When you're unemployed, it's easy to fall for job postings that are too perfect. They might offer full benefit packages, great hours, and more. You think you've hit the lottery when you find a good one.

Unfortunately, scammers know how to draw in their victims. Promising amazing perks is a strategy. Don't fall for it.

These scammers will usually lead you along through email correspondence. They'll have elaborate and charismatic answers to your questions. But, in the end, they'll try to scam you or sell to you.

If a job posting seems too good to be true, it likely is. Trust your gut and do more research on the company.

They're Unsearchable

You should always research the company offering the job you're interested in. It can help you in a job interview to know about the company. If they're a reputable company they'll likely research you as well.

If you search the company online and nothing comes up, it's likely a scam. The company isn't real and neither is the job.

Keep in mind that some scammers create fake websites. They do this knowing that applicants will go searching online for them. It's good to learn how to spot a legitimate website from a fake one.

They Want Your Banking Info

No real company is going to ask for your banking info during the application process. They won't tell you to open a new account or send your credit report.

You do not need to give your social security number (SSN) until you've started working.

Scammers will ask for this information early on. They'll likely groom you with nice emails and make it seem like a normal request. It isn't, and you need to report them.

It's true that some jobs do need you to open an account or give your SSN. But, this is after you've met the employer in person and seen the workspace. It's crucial you verify everything is legitimate before giving any information.

They Try to Pitch You Something

If the scammer isn't trying to get your money, they're trying to sell you something. It could be resume writing services or job placement services. Or, they could have a product that they guarantee will solve your problems.

They bait their customers by writing job postings. In the posting, they've written content that attracts their ideal customer.

Never click the links they send you. Don't give your phone number or other contact information. If you do, you're bound to get lots of sales calls and messages.

How to Avoid Online Job Scams

You can learn to detect which job postings are real and which are scams. Once you know what to look for, they're easy to spot. Here are some other tips.

Slow down the learning process. You may be anxious to find employment, but it's important to research the company. Feel free to ask lots of questions and expect solid answers.

Verify that the contact on the job posting actually works at the company. See if the number they gave is the number in the company's directory.

How to Find Reliable Job Postings

Look for jobs in the right places. Government websites always have legitimate postings. College career services and libraries often have reliable job postings as well.

Or, go directly to the website of companies you're interested in. Most company websites will have a careers page. Here, they'll list any openings or opportunities.

Almost everything gets done online these days. But, you can still find in-person postings.

For entry-level jobs, many businesses will put "hiring" signs out front. You can also ask the receptionist if they're hiring.

How to Report Online Job Scams

The federal trade commission (FTC) handles these types of scams. You can easily file a complaint against the scammer on their website.

You should also consider letting local media outlets know about the scam. They may get the word out to their audience to avoid this scam.

If the scam is a fake employment services agency, report them to your state Attorney General. When your investment broker scams you for money, the advice is to sue your stock broker. Similar consequences apply to businesses who scam their customers.

Ready to Land Your Dream Job?

Job hunting isn't something most people enjoy. Not only are you facing competition from your peers, but you have to avoid scams. There are way too many online job scams waiting to bait you.

To avoid becoming a victim of these scams, use the tips above. Know the red flags to look for and protect yourself. Report scammers if you do come across them.

For more information on finding a job and improving your life, check out the Community Blog.

Author's Bio: 

I am a journalist with more than 4 years writing experience on career and success writing. Hope this article help you to develop your career. Thanks