Today is unlike any other, it is unique to this point in time and space. The reality of this always brings to mind the quote, “Carpe Diem”. This quote actually means so much more than just, seize the day, it means to sense this fact, to enjoy it, and yes of course to make use of the gift that is this day.

It’s an easy enough concept, but how do you go about it? After all you’ve got things to do, a life to live, and obligations at home. It’s not like you can stop all that, or can you? Actually you can, you can take moments out of your day to seize. Seize the beauty around you and revel in it with all of your senses. The child who smiles at you offers so much more than the superficial contraction of facial muscles. Seize the beauty, honesty, and innocence that that child offers. Feel the unconditional love and bliss in your heart. Appreciated the beauty and generosity that is offered in that smile.

As you walk around to lunch or on errands, notice the beauty of the flowers, trees, and birds. Stop to actually smell the flowers. Let the aroma waft over you and send healing to your harried soul. Acknowledge all the visual beauty that you take for granted on a daily basis. Let it soothe your jangled nerves. Sit for just 5 minutes without and disturbances and absorb all the healing that nature offers you. Allow nature to once again enliven your spirit and perhaps, even remind you of the path you once set out for, and in this moment seize the day and make use of it.

Author's Bio: 

Rev. Bridgette Short, N.D.

"Guiding Souls" and "The Spiritual Life" is a place where you can establish inner peace, love and joy in your life through knowledge and education. We invite you to explore our website and learn more about awareness, personal spiritual empowerment, healing and metaphysics.

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