Don't you just hate it when you have to make sure that there's not enough light when your husband starts making love to you for fear that he might see your "cottage cheese thighs"? He probably couldn't care less at that point in time, but we women equate our worth with our physical appearance that we agonize over things that our partners don't normally give two-seconds worth of attention to. Cellulite is one of them.

These excess fats that cause ugly lumps and dimples to form on our skin have become such a growing concern for a number of women that many have been lured by the promise of "instant cures" through surgery, creams and liposuction.

But the truth of the matter is that surgery has not been proven to give lasting results and those who have tried the creams know that some are just major scams or only provide short-term results. Liposuction can even make these "orange peel" appearance on our skin even more obvious.

So how do you remove cellulite and keep it away for good? For starters, you can begin by exercising at least 15 minutes a day. Only by working out can you possibly tone your muscles and burn away fat. Exercise melts away those excess calories by boosting your metabolism. When done regularly, you can expect your muscles to be firmer and more toned. With toned muscles, those dimples in your butt, thighs and tummy become less visible.

One recommended form of exercise that greatly reduce the cellulite on your legs is water walking. Find a good pair of water shoes and start this routine by walking on waist-deep water as fast as you possibly can. Do it for thirty minutes three times a week, more if possible. Your walk should be brisk, similar to an early morning walk you would take around the park or in your neighborhood. Once you feel you're up for it, you can wade in deeper waters or add an upper body workout or water weights to your walk.

Aside from exercise, make sure that your diet is balanced and healthy. Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and fish should be part of your daily fare. At least 8 glasses of water should keep you hydrated throughout the day. Avoid the cigarettes and alcohol if you want to maintain that healthy glow to your skin.

When it comes to cellulite, there are no miracle cures. A healthy lifestyle that features a balanced diet, exercise and stress management is key towards keeping that cellulite off for life. If you follow these proven tips, you won't have to turn the light off next time your hubby wants to make love.

Before you go, don't forget to check out our shocking Brazil Butt Lift review and learn how you can quickly eliminate cellulite with the Brazilian Butt Lift DVD today.

Author's Bio: 

Energetic fitness fanatic who has lost more than 40 pounds in the past year.