Cerebral atrophy or brain atrophy refers to the progressive loss of brain cells, called neurons, leading to decreased brain size. This phenomenon can occur to the entire brain or be focused on a singular part. The most troubling issue with cerebral atrophy is the potential for it to affect brain function, as the location of lost brain cells will potentially lead to neurological side effects.
What are the types of cerebral atrophy?
Focal atrophy
Refers to cerebral atrophy that is restricted to a localized area of the brain, often causing damage to the affected area. Atrophy of a particular region of the brain can lead to motor, sensory, or cognitive dysfunction, depending on the region of the brain affected.
Generalized atrophy
Also known as complete or total cerebral atrophy, this type of cerebral atrophy is characterized by shrinkage of total brain size. This means that the loss of brain cells is not restricted to a single region but to the entire brain as a whole. It is believed that voluntary functions and conscious thought are more likely to be affected with generalized atrophy of the brain.
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