As the planet progresses in age, there is a huge inclination towards artificial things. Our bodies can be at their best when they are in equilibrium with a balanced environment. As time progresses, our environmental balance gets more and more lopsided. Electron deficiency has been adding to the imbalance. Right from the air we breathe and the foods we consume to the clothes we wear and the cosmetics we use, the natural factor is becoming less and the artificial factor is rising. The imbalance is on the increase. Our lifestyle can be the major contributor to our health or ill health.

Acidemia is a condition when the blood becomes acidic. When the body’s acid-base balance is disrupted due to factors such as environmental toxins and other factors, acidemia is the result. Although we do not deliberately create conditions that lead to acidemia, we gradually allow them to invade our lives and our bodies, ultimately leading to a host of degenerative disorders that seem to show up from nowhere.

Environmental Abuse

We face the abuse from environmental toxins and organic solvents on a daily basis.Most of the time, we favor conditions that lead to acidemia. The conditions include exposure to environmental toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides and organic solvents. Lack of natural foods and the consumption of artificial foods, coffee, carbonated drinks, red meat and the wrong fat products lead to conditions conducive to acidemia. Most people think pasteurized or homogenized milk is the best, but research has shown that although pasteurization kills germs, it changes the structure of milk proteins making it less healthy and difficult to digest. Moreover, it destroys beneficial bacteria, enzymes and vitamins. Lack of exercise or over exercising can also lead to acidemia.

Conditions such as osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, urinary stones, muscle atrophy, obesity and cancer may be indicators of acidemia. Clinical indicators such as a blood pH level below 7.4 may hint at acidemia. At the same time a low salivary and urine pH may also show acidemia. Other indicators such as calcium oxalate stones, low phosphorus and albumin levels could also be pointing towards acidemia.

Electron Deficiency And Free Radicals

Acidemia is the result of electron deficiency. Our body cells are composed of molecules. These molecules are made up of atoms of the same or different elements that are joined together by chemical bonds. An atom consists of positively charged protons inside the nucleus and equal number of negatively charged electrons revolving around the nucleus in discrete orbits or shells. Each orbit or shell requires a fixed number of electrons in order to be stable. When this outer shell is complete, the atom is stable and doesn’t react or interfere with other atoms. When the outer orbit or the valence shell is incomplete, atoms try to fill this place by gaining, losing or sharing electrons with other atoms or molecules. Electron deficient atoms “steal” electrons from other atoms. When chemical bonds holding two atoms break, the atoms that separate, may become electron-deficient. They are called free radicals. These free radicals are very unstable and react quickly with other compounds in order to gain the required electrons. They “steal” electrons from vulnerable molecules. These molecules that have been attacked, now become electron-deficient and they become free radicals themselves. These molecules now begin to “steal” electrons from other molecules. This is a chain reaction that produces innumerable ‘bad’ molecules or free radicals. These free radicals end up destroying the cells of the body, leading to diseases. This is where the “good” molecules or antioxidants come into the picture. Antioxidants neutralize the free radicals by donating their own electrons and ending the electron “stealing” spree. The antioxidants do not become free radicals because they are stable in either form.

pH and Electron Deficiency

Electron deficiency denotes acidity and leads to acidemia. pH is the measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. A solution with a pH of 7.0 is neither acidic nor alkaline. When the solution is electron-deficient, the solution is acidic and the pH is less than 7.0. When the solution is electron-rich, the solution is alkaline and the pH is more than 7.0. Acidemia is a condition when tissue fluids are acidic or electron-deficient.

The Chemical Imbalance

If all atoms had a stable outer orbit they would be happy and the world would be a place with all elements in perfect harmony. The energy produced by the movement of electrons is either used up for vital functions or given out by our bodies. This means that all life processes are dependent upon the activity of electrons. The inclination of the modern age towards artificial products has produced an electron-deficient environment. Simply put, all artificial material we see and feel and breathe and eat and apply on our skin are electron-deficient. This electron-deficiency causes an imbalance in our modern day lives and permeates the air we breathe, the water we drink and the foods we eat, resulting in acidemia. When the body continues to be in need of electrons that produce energy, it gets tired, and its ability to fight diseases decreases.

Free Calcium

The vicious circle that results from the action of free radicals cannot be underestimated. In order to counter acidemia caused by free radicals, the body extracts phosphate buffers from the bones. This results in free calcium being released by the bones, leading to osteoporosis, osteopenia and various other bone diseases. Free calcium plays havoc in the body. It gets excreted into the urine causing urinary stones. Free calcium deposits itself in tissues causing arteriosclerosis, leading to heart attacks, angina and stroke. Moreover, free calcium also causes connective tissue breakdown. Since connective tissue holds the body together, its breakdown leads to degenerative diseases.

Getting Your Act Together

In an age when we cannot control external environmental factors, we must hold ourselves accountable for eating the right types of food, limiting exposure to environmental toxins and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We must avoid the consumption of oxidized foods such as powdered milk, fried foods and hydrogenated oils and other processed foods, as they are devoid of antioxidants and lead to acidemia. 5 to 8 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants such as Vitamin E, A, carotenoids, Coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, lycopene, selenium and flavonoids should be eaten daily.

Eating natural whole foods, drinking filtered water, avoiding amalgam fillings and avoiding the use of pesticides in our homes and backyards, are small steps that go a long way in preventing acidemia and maintaining the balance of the world we live in.

Author's Bio: 

Helena Ederveen is an Associate Member Australasian College Nutritional & Environmental Medicine; Clinical Nutritionist; Certified Master Practitioner NLP & Advanced Practitioner Eriksonian Hypnosis; Counsellor. 25 Years Experience. Are You Serious About Discovering Your Own Individual Blueprint Of Health? Free "Health Blueprint" Assessment. For more in dept information you can go to Holistic health practitioner