Shirdi Sai Baba Sayings

Following are the collection of Shirdi Sai Baba sayings. It is said that though Shri Sai Baba is not alive in flesh and blood, he still lives and blesses his devotees where ever they may be. Many devotees have experienced such blessings and are a testament to this fact. These sayings of Shirdi wale Baba enlightens the chennai to shirdi flight package mankind and educate human beings about God.

I get angry with none. Will a mother get angry with her children? Will the ocean send back the waters to the several rivers?

Surrender completely to God.

Trust in the Guru fully. That is the only sadhana.

What is our duty? To behave properly. That is enough.

Whatever you do, wherever you may be, always bear this in mind: I am always aware of everything you do.

Those who think that Baba is only in Shirdi have totally failed to know me.

I cannot do anything without God’s permission.

The wise are cheerful and content with their lot in life.

If you are wealthy, be humble. Plants bend when they bear fruit.

Spend money in charity; be generous and munificent but not extravagant.

Get on with your worldly activities cheerfully, but do not forget God.

Do not kick against the pricks of life.

Whatever creature comes to you, human or otherwise, treat it with consideration.

Do not be obsessed by the importance of wealth.

See the divine in the human being.

Do not bark at people and don’t be aggressive, but put up with others’ complaints.

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There is a wall of separation between oneself and others and between you and me. Destroy this wall!

Give food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, and clothes to the naked. Then God will be pleased.

Saburi (patience) ferries you across to the distant goal.

God is not so far away. He is not in the heavens above, nor in hell below. He is always near you.

If anyone gets angry with another, they wound me to the quick.

If you cannot endure abuse from another, just say a simple word or two, or else leave.

What do we lose by another’s good fortune? Let us celebrate with them, or strive to emulate them.

That should be our desire and determination.

Look to me and I will look to you.

What God gives is never exhausted, what man gives never lasts.

Distinguish right from wrong and be honest, upright and virtuous.

Do not be obsessed by egotism, imagining that you are the cause of action: everything is due to God.

If we see all actions as God’s doing, we will be unattached and free from karmic bondage.

Other people’s acts will chennai to shirdi flight package affect just them. It is only your own deeds that will affect you.

Do not be idle: work, utter God’s name and read the scriptures.

If you avoid rivalry and dispute, God will protect you.

Choose friends who will stick to you till the end, through thick and thin.

What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get.

Death and life are the manifestations of God’s activity. You cannot separate the two. God permeates all.
Mukti is impossible for those addicted to lust.

Gain and loss, birth and death are in the hands of God.

When you see with your inner eye. Then you realize that you are God and not different from Him.

Wealth is really a means to work out dharma. If one uses it merely for personal enjoyment, it is vainly spent.

God will show His love. He is kind to all.

Whenever you undertake to do something, do it thoroughly or not at all.

One’s sin will not cease till one falls at the feet of Sadhus

Be ashamed of your hatred. Give up hatred and be quiet.

Always think of God and you will see what He does.

Have faith and patience. Then I will be always with you wherever you are.

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