According to reports, chronic prostatitis incidence is mostly concentrated in the age group of 20-60 years old globally. The prevalence rate of chronic prostatitis in Europe is 14.2%, in America is 2.2% - 16.0%, and in Asia Pacific region is 2.7% - 8.7%. The incidence rate of chronic prostatitis is not the same because of the different geographical, racial, and social backgrounds.

Chronic prostatitis is not a small problem, and it impacts male life significantly, so you need to know more.

Chronic prostatitis is the third prostate disease after benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. It refers to a group of prostate diseases characterized by pelvic pain or discomfort, abnormal urination, and other symptoms under the action of pathogens or some non-infectious factors. Chronic prostatitis is closely related to mental factors, living habits, eating habits, immune abnormalities, and other factors.

Chronic prostatitis often occurs in adult men. Its clinical symptoms are mainly frequent urination, urgency, pain, and incomplete urination. It usually has a white urethral orifice and is often accompanied by abdominal pain, lumbosacral pain, perineal pain, and testicular discomfort. If the disease is long, male sexual function changes such as premature ejaculation, impotence, and spermatorrhea will appear. Some patients may have obvious mental symptoms, such as anxiety and depression.

How should chronic prostatitis patients be treated? Men can choose chemical treatment and traditional Chinese medicine, and life care is critical.

1. Chemical treatment

Anti-inflammatory drugs, including corticosteroids, celecoxib, pentose polyphosphate, etc., have specific curative effects on patients with chronic prostatitis. And neuromodulatory drugs have particular effects on other chronic pain diseases such as interstitial cystitis and idiopathic pelvic pain. Antibiotic treatment has a practical anti-infective effect, such as Mycoplasma, chlamydia, etc.

α - adrenergic blockade can improve outflow tract obstruction, improve urinary flow, and reduce intraprostatic ductal reflux. Compared with other traditional therapies, plant extracts have attracted more and more attention in treating chronic prostatitis because of their common side effects and high efficacy. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that can be found in many fruits, vegetables, and grains. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

2. Herbal treatment

Herbal medicine has excellent advantages in the treatment of chronic prostatitis. It can carry out nursing intervention based on TCM syndrome differentiation and constitution identification to reduce patients' symptoms with chronic prostatitis and improve their quality of life. More commonly used is the traditional Chinese medicine diuretic Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. It relies on the active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine and the combined action of warm and hot through the skin into the prostate, promotes the elimination of inflammatory mediators and metabolites.

It can also increase the channel of drug penetration and absorption, improve blood circulation, promote metabolism, improve tissue regeneration ability, enhance tissue repair and phagocytic activity of leukocytes, promote the absorption of metabolites or perspire with warm heat with the effects of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, clearing heat and dampness, detumescence and pain relief. The pain, swelling, and other symptoms can be quickly improved or eliminated.

3. Lifecare treatment

Patients with chronic prostatitis should strengthen nursing in life and improve their physical quality. The living environment should not be too wet and cold, too dry and sunny. We should cultivate their optimistic mood, broaden their mind, make their Qi and blood smooth when they are happy, improve their enthusiasm for work and life, and strengthen their self-cultivation.

Conclusion: many young and middle-aged patients will take chronic prostatitis as a hidden problem, unwilling to go to the hospital for treatment, delay treatment. The higher the frequency, intensity, and location of pain, the greater the impact on the quality of life. Young and middle-aged men need to have a more comprehensive understanding of the disease, early detection, and early treatment.

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