When debating if you’re business should transition from on-premise architecture to a cloud solution, there are a lot of factors to keep in mind.

As an Infor partner, specializing in Infor CloudSuite, we are highlighting the benefits of cloud-based solutions and how they can better serve your business:

Scalability and Resiliency

Auto-scaling functionality within applications supports automatic scaling for various workloads
Modern product architecture supports highly elastic applications to scale up/down automatically based on workload
Elastic architecture provides highly efficient and lower cost solution compared to other deployment methods
Take advantage of AWS and availability zones to provide resiliency
Continuous Innovation

Automated product updates at regular cadence are done either with zero or near-zero downtime
New features can be previewed with feature toggle on/off switches giving control to customers
Zero cost upgrade for customers as Infor does every upgrade on a regular cadence

Read full article: https://www.nsacom.com/cloud-vs-legacy-whats-serves-your-business-better/

See more related article; https://sites.google.com/view/make-edi-work-the-right-way/home

Author's Bio: 

Since 1984, NSA Professional Services has been helping successful wholesale distribution businesses grow and prosper by leveraging and implementing world class software and processes. Our mantra is simple and clear – the right product, the right process, and the right people to ensure a successful project and a long-term relationship.