Are your colds and nasal allergies getting out of hand? Are you using all treatments possible to no avail? If so, then you could have developed more serious problems such as a sinus infection or sinusitis. Many cases of colds and allergies lead to sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses) because bacteria that have been trapped in the nasal passages have gone beyond reaching the sinus region. Sinusitis is now one of the most common health conditions in the United States today.
The sinuses are composed of four pairs of paranasal sinuses. These are air-filled spaces located behind the facial bones, and surround the nose and eyes. When the sinuses are inflamed, a host of symptoms occur. You know you have a sinus infection when:
Your colds have been lingering for a long time. The normal cold that you contracted a month ago can be a cause of a sinus infection as well as temperature and environmental factors like allergens in the air. Virus and bacteria invade the sinus area during a prolonged period of a cold.
Your head and facial area hurt like crazy. Headache and facial pain and pressure are signs of a sinus infection. Forehead and cheeks feel tender.
You can’t stop clearing your throat. This is due to the mucus accumulating at the back of your throat. This makes one prone to spitting. It is also called post-nasal drip. Sinusitis patients produce more mucus than usual. Running nose and wheezing can be present too.
You’re having a hard time breathing through the nose. Congestion, stuffiness and cough add to the symptoms of sinusitis. When the nasal passages are obstructed, the flow of air within the respiratory system is congested.
Your body temperature is elevated. Fever is sometimes present during a sinus infection. You may feel lethargic and unable to concentrate. Fatigue or tiredness can accompany a fever as well.
Sinusitis, if left untreated, can progress into more complicated infections of major body organs like the brain and lungs. Thousands of medicines, sinus infection therapy and drugs out in the market can be confusing and make it difficult for us to choose the right kind of treatment.
Today, doctors and pharmacists in the United States recommend the use of aerosolized therapy through the help of a sinus compounding pharmacy. This kind of therapy caters to the specific needs of sinusitis and allergic rhinitis patients. After thoroughly examining the extent of the sinus infection, your doctor will order your medication to be prepared by a sinus compounding pharmacy. These liquid medications are tailor fit for your particular needs, which may be one or more of the following: antibiotics, antifungals and anti-inflammatories.
Aerosolized therapy makes use of liquid medications through a small nebulizer device that pumps liquid medication (i.e. antibiotics) into very fine mist to be inhaled into the sinus passages. Sinus infections are very likely to be eliminated since the mist medication directly targets the problem area. Relief is almost instant. As in the case of standard antibiotics, a full course of aerosolized therapy still needs to be completed to maximize the effect. In terms of side effects, aerosolized therapy is known to have very little or no side effects. Treatment is employed topically, thereby, eliminating any fear of having medicine absorbed into the bloodstream.
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