Living in a home located in a suburban or country would mean that it cannot hook up with the municipal sewer system. This suggests that installing a septic system would be the apparent choice. As practical as septic systems are, they can't be utilized in every situation. Locations where the soil is simply too shallow or dense or the water level is simply too high a tank isn't viable. Another issue may prevent you from installing a tank underground which leaves you stressed about what to try to do. There are alternatives to septic systems that meet local regulations and keep the encircling environment clean. A number of these alternatives include a leach field, also called a drainfield, or maybe mounds.

Septic tanks aren't always cost-effective in certain areas although it's the most popular option. Knowing the alternatives can assist you financially. It's also important to understand which alternative is most useful in your area and which system would be suitable for your land.

Leach Field

A drainfield, or leach field, works almost sort of a leaching system that is connected to a tank without a tank. The effluent goes from the house towards the perforated pipes during a layer of trenches crammed with gravel. The effluent that comes from the perforated pipes goes into the gravel before it seeps into the soil.

The leach field requires less space than the normal septic system. Leach field beds are often layered. There are limitations to the sizes of the beds because the excavation needs to be handled from the sides to prevent the compaction of rock bottom. Steeper slopes aren't adaptable to leach fields. The minimum depth of the soil required is 18 inches below the bed.

Constructed Wetlands

This system features a primary treatment unit that has two compartments, also as a rock-lined bed. There are 12 inches of rock near the overflow lateral field. This technique uses aquatic plants to assist the treatment of the effluent. The surplus is placed within the lateral field. The fields are usually placed on segmented lots or irregular lots. The wetlands also can be placed in areas with high bedrock and shallow water tables. Disadvantages of this technique include the very fact that it requires a better level of maintenance compared to other traditional systems. Constructed wetlands are expensive to put in while their longevity is unpredictable.

Aerobic Sewage Treatment System

Aerobic septic systems are residential wastewater treatment facilities. This technique adds oxygen to the septic system to assist the expansion of aerobic bacteria which can break down the organic waste within the sewage. This results in a cleaner effluent.

The aeration chamber brings oxygen to the sewage. This enables the bacteria to multiply and break down the waste. Solids fall into a clarifier which is recirculated to the aeration chamber. The effluent becomes freed from organic waste and becomes odorless. It rises into another section for disinfection. Once the effluent is chlorinated, the clean water flows to a holding chamber which can be discharged.

Lagoon System

The lagoon system is used to treat the effluent via exposure to sunlight, air, and bacteria. Storage tanks collect effluent, which drains into solid piping ending at rock bottom a part of the lagoon.

The lateral field catches the overflow before it gets drained to the soil. Lagoons are less costly than septic tanks but septic tanks are easy to install. Lagoons survive with just low maintenance compared to a septic system. To make sure that the lagoon is secured, gates and fences should be installed. Removing any vegetation on the surface will make the system a lot more efficient. Lagoons are difficult to install in places with rocky soil or on steep slopes.

Mound System

The sound system pumps out the effluent to a mound using a lot of networks within the upper part of the sand. The effluent enters through the soil, into the fill material, before getting to the natural soil. This technique is usually deployed in regions with high groundwater, clay, or bedrock soil. This is often beneficial because it only requires a small maintenance system. This technique requires A-level land, which is tough to style, making it costlier than a septic system. Regular inspection of the mound system is required so that it will work properly. One problem with the mound system is that it is often disrupted by power failures.

The benefits of having this system installed in your property than a drainfield is that it can be used in properties that have inadequate soil conditions, smaller property, or areas where the water level is high.

Author's Bio: 

I am Eva Braughly, a mother who uses writing to share information on various societal issues, home improvements, DIY, health, earning opportunities, lifestyle, family, motherhood– in other words, life itself.