Massage therapy has been in existence since ancient times. The Chinese have records of its use since 2700 BC. Hippocrates made mention of it in his writings. Its role in the treatment of pain as well as the benefits it brings to the well-being of an individual cannot be undermined.

Although traditionally used to address muscle, tendon, and ligament related infirmities, modern man is becoming more aware of the role of massage in the alleviation of pain associated with stress. Stress causes muscle tension, which brings about aches and pains. Properly administered massage relieves muscle tension, and the aches and pains as well.

In order to bring about relief, the key is proper execution of the procedure. The therapist should possess the necessary skills in order to do this. Although these may be learned through self-study, it is best that formal massage courses brisbane be taken. Also, the usual hands-on nature of the courses offered allows for faster learning.

A Career in Massage Therapy

Formal training will be a big plus factor if you are considering a career in this field. Although a few good therapists are born, most successful ones had to undergo formal training in order to fine tune their techniques. And given the more than 80 modalities, there is much to learn. For this reason, post-graduate studies on this area are being offered.

But a successful therapist need not know all the massage types. Being familiar with a few common and effective ones will be enough to be marketable.

If you are keen on a career in this field, it is best to take massage courses Brisbane in order to learn the basics. After more on-the-job exposure, you may decide to take further studies. Much like everything else, your knowledge adds to your credibility, which enhances your marketability.

Basic Training in Massage Therapy

There are training centers which offer short weekend courses on massage therapy. For the newbie who wants to gain knowledge in this field, this is a good place to start. These courses usually teach basic techniques in dealing with muscle pains, effective approaches in relieving common back pains and headaches, as well as other useful and effective techniques.

The advantage of taking these short courses, especially if they are Massage Association of Australia (MAA) certified, is that you can practice professionally right after taking it. You can become a massage therapist even without a Certificate IV diploma.

Marketing is the Key to Success

You may be the best in your field, but if people are not aware of it then no one will patronize your services. Such being the case, marketing is important.

Most successful therapists are either private practitioners or those with their own massage therapy related business. Needless to say, these individuals have a loyal client base, which they developed through proper marketing.

Word of mouth is the traditional means of promotion. This may be effective if you have an extensive network of healthcare providers, who will prescribe your service. But for those starting in this field, taking advantage of modern technology, like the internet, can be helpful.

Given the importance of marketing, some short term courses like massage courses Adelaide, include simple marketing techniques as part of their curriculum.

Author's Bio: is a site promoting massage courses adelaide, particularly full body massage course. Massage courses Brisbane is also offered.