Insomnia, if not cured in early stages may lead to several physical and psychological problems in later life. Low concentration power, daytime fatigue and irritability are some of the impacts of insomnia on patients. Now there are enough and more medicines easily available in market so as to cure insomnia or sleeplessness. Preferring herbal medicines for curing insomnia will do well due to its lack of side effects. Intake of some herbal medicines may induce both positive and negative effects on patients. So try to choose the right herbal remedy from market by knowing its advantageous and disadvantageous. Let's check the details of vivid herbal remedies for curing sleeplessness. Passion flower is one of the important herbal remedies for curing insomnia.
Drinking passion flower tea before going to bed assures you a restful sleep. It makes you well relaxed and tension free by reducing stress and calming nervous system. Passion flower is an excellent anti-spasmodic and a well known tranquilizer which makes you fall asleep. Lemon balm is another natural remedy approved for the treatment of sleeplessness. It retards the formation of stress and anxiety and helps in achieving a good night sleep. Volatile oils present in lemon balm known as terpenes promote relaxation of body muscles assuring enhanced sleep. Pleasing smell of terpenes in lemon balm induce calming effect on patients. You can also use lemon balm by combining with valerian and peppermint for better results.
Jamaica dogwood is one among the best used herbal medicines for curing insomnia. Taking a bath in this herbal cure alleviates pain, nervous tension, fear and anxiety. Get the guidance of your health practitioner before taking this herbal medicine because it is potentially toxic. Jamaica dogwood is commonly sold in market as root bark pieces, tinctures and as liquid extracts. Hops fruit is another commonly suggested remedial measure for sleeplessness troubles. Insomnia patients are often advised to take a cup of hops tea before going to bed for a good sleep. It helps in retarding stress and calming your nerve cells. Stress free mind is one among the essential needs for a restful good night sleep. Taking a bath in chamomile oil helps in relieving all your stress. Chamomile is now easily available in market as tea powders.
Studies say that drinking chamomile tea before going to bed helps in refreshing and soothing the mind and body. California poppy is a natural relaxant used for the treatment of insomnia. It is a common herbal cure suggested to patients, especially women patients who are suffering from menopausal insomnia. St John's wort, oatstraw and lavender are other herbal remedies used for curing insomnia or sleeplessness. St John's wort and oatstraw are now available in the form of tea packets in market. Regular drinking of herbal tea relaxes and makes you tension free. Magical power of lavender fragrance in relieving stress is remarkable. Insomnia patients are often advised to take a bath in lavender oil before their bed time. Placing lavender sachets under pillow also promotes in achieving a good night sleep.
Read more about Natural Cure for Insomnia. Also know about Liver Supplements.
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