Though not all women have a relationship with God those who do are much more open to worshiping him than men. In churches everywhere one is more likely to see women moved by the spirit of God more then men. And when it comes to relationships women are more likely to look for a man who has a relationship with God.

If you are lucky, you will meet one. Maybe you will meet him at church. Maybe you will meet him on the job. Or maybe you won’t meet him at all.

How do you handle religion in relationships? Do you accept the man if he is not as religious as you? Do you accept him if he is more religious? Do you accept him if he has different religious beliefs than you?

If a man is not as religious as you are then a decision has to be made. You can either accept the fact that his relationship with God is not as strong as yours or move on. The main thing is that he respects your relationship with God and you are not judgmental and righteous with him. Either way neither of you should put the human relationship above the relationship with God.

If the man is more religious then you cannot force him to make a decision. No ultimatum. You cannot put yourself above the Lord. Accept the fact that he will go to mass on Sunday, sing in the choir and give money to the church. As long as he is not judgmental or righteous don’t interfere with his worship.

When you meet a man who practices a different religion than you or is non-denominational then accept it. Once again, the main thing is that he has a relationship with God. Don’t belittle his religion or think that yours is better. Just be happy that he is going to church and making the effort.

There are many couples who come from different religious backgrounds. Some decide that one or the other should convert while others agree to practice the religion that they were raised in. Sometimes couples marry under the same religion and then someone converts to another. No matter what the case each person should respect the others religious beliefs and not interfere.

You and your partner’s relationship with God are more important than any human relationship. People come and go, but God is always there. Whether you agree with your partner’s religious beliefs be neither judgmental nor righteous. Let him live his life the way that he wants and expect him to let you do the same. As the saying goes neither of you know where the other has come from.

The most important thing is to put God above all else.

Author's Bio: 

Writer, Historian, Relationship advice expert, Owner of 'The Help With Dating and Relationships Site' website, published author, Former athletic coach