Yeah ,Yeah,Yeah right have probably read billions of Articles on dealing with stress and RIGHT NOW you feel pretty convinced you know it all but WAIT a minute, this may actually HELP YOU.
Stress can be caused by several things and can be short term like going on a date or meeting your new boss or Long term due to consistently demanding situations at work, relationships with family , conflicts with neighbors , the list is endless. While short term stress can easily be overcome, long term stress on the hand if left unattended can develop into severe health problems including but not limited to headaches, depression , severe anxiety, diabetes, asthma, THE DREADFUL HEART CONDITIONS, the list is long .
So what exactly is Stress and what does dealing with stress involve ?
There are several definitions for biological stress out there but the most accurate definition is by
Stress is the body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. Now that’s spot on ,if you have in-laws, in an unbalanced relationship, ever been pregnant or a parent to one or more kids no explanations needed.
Now on the other hand dealing with stress is the ability to REMAIN SANE when situations, people and events make excessive demands.
Of course Stress can be manifested in several ways; Loss of appetite, Overeating, insomnia, excessive shopping, drunkenness not to mention other compulsive behavior , you know of the rated kind). So what are the tips of dealing with stress? Let’s go over these very quickly
All our beloved GURUs are always keen to advise on the merit of a positive mind, News Flash, Take them seriously. Positive thoughts eliminate the negative energy which causes stress. Having a positive attitude and finding good in what life throws your way enhances your chances of dealing with stress.
Sleeping Enough as a way of dealing with stress
Getting enough sleep has a profound impact on stress levels, sleep time is when your body and immune system does most of its repairs and rejuvenations, if you ever meet a Doctor who does not mention this, UN For your life, you are in the wrong medical centre. . 8 hours of sleep is the standard, between 9:00 PM to 05:00 AM ( Feel free to bend the rules over the weekend, no harm in spoiling yourself a little).
Balanced Diet.
Take plenty of Vitamins, the whole range from Alpha to Omega – Just kidding, Vitamin A, C, E will do fine. Eat foods rich in antioxidants like pumpkin, carrots, grapes, broccoli, oranges, tomatoes olive oils well as foods rich in foliate, the yummy leafy vegetables. Eating right is an excellent ticket for dealing with stress.
Exercise as a way of dealing with stress
Getting tired enough is one way of cheating your way into sleeping, but what better way to do it than doing regular coordinated aerobic stints. Such activity lowers your stress hormones and leaves you feeling a foot taller than everyone else at dealing with stress.
Revise your Deadlines.
This mainly refers to work related deadlines. You see the idea is not to bite the hand that feeds you, so if your Boss says Jump you jump. But if you plan your time, or even negotiate for extra time , you are on your way to put deadlines in the grey. Its hard, but well , try and fail but don’t fail to try. Setting realistic goals is important as it reduces the work overload ,don’t over whelm yourself take on each task as it comes and don’t sweat the hard projects.
Relax more, as a secret to dealing with stress.
Taking a break every now and then is good for dealing with stress. Its not written in stone that lunch time is the only time you take time off, learn how to take some time off and relax your mind. Call a friend ( especially the hilarious ones ), sip a ‘Mohido’ ( if your religion allows it), strike a conversation with stranger, develop a habit. Mine is blogging during lunch hours, see how to pull it off with no regrets.
Nothing refreshes the Soul like being part of the solution to a worthy cause. Do something for someone every and then for free, be there for the bereaved, the heart broken , the tired, the lost, the hungry, smile more , do some community work , volunteer on a project and see how resilient you can be towards stress. Peace of mind will brush off the roughest storms and you will feel strangely stable even in tumultuous times.
I hope this has been a great post on dealing with stress. Please Comment and share , you might just save a life.
Am called Grace Mirembe, i have a passion for sharing what i have learnt in life. No man (or woman) is an island, sooner or later you will need someone else's help or advice, that's why i share mine freely so that when the time comes,i get it just as easily.All my unique articles are on my website
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